Approach to GI Patient: Dysphagia Flashcards
What are the structural examples of oropharyngeal dysphagia?
- Zenker’s diverticulum
- neoplasm
- Cervical web
What are examples of propulsive neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia?
- Cerebral vascular accident
- Parkinson’s
What is esophageal dysphagia?
- Dysphagia localized to chest or neck, food impaction
What is oropharyngeal dysphagia?
- Dyshpagia localized to neck
- nasal regurgitation, aspiration, and assoc. ENT sx present
Examples of propulsive esophageal dyshpagia?
GERD with weak peristalsis
Examples of structural intermittent, progressive, and variable esophageal dysphagia
- Schatzki ring
- Neoplasm
- Peptic stricture
What is the etiology behind Zenker’s diverticulum?
- Structural abnormality
- False diverticula involving herniation of mucosa and submucosa through muscular layer of esophagus
- located in Killian’s triangle
- __posterior esophagus- area of natural weakness proximal to cricopharyngeus muscle
What will the HPI look like with a Zenker’s diverticulum?
- Progressive, intermittent and then contstant odynophagia with solids and liquids
- Vague sx at first such as cough or throat discomfort
- Diverticulum enlarges and as it does it holds food- feel for a mass
Who is Zenker’s Diverticulum common in?
Older men
How do you diagnose and treat Zenker’s diverticulum?
- Diagnose with Barium swallow
- do before EGD due to risk of perforation
- Treat with surgery
Complication of Zenkers diverticulum?
- Perforation (if EGD is done before Barium)
- weight loss
- Aspiration leading to pneumonia/lung abscess
What is the etiology behind an esophageal web?
- It’s a structrual problem
- Proximal or mid esophagus not the whole lumen
- Thin diaphragm like membranes of the squamous mucosa
What does the HPI look like for esophageal webs?
- Intermittent symptoms, NOT progressive
- difficulty with solids
If esophageal webs are more proximal, what are they classified as?
Oropharyngeal esophageal webs
What do esophageal webs resemble?
Schatzki rings
- differentiate by knowing that webs are proximal or mid esophagus and Schatzki rings are distal
How do you diagnose and treat esophageal webs?
- Barium swallow (esophagram) gives best view
- Dilation is tx
- if patient needs multiple dilations, consider long term PPI
What is Plummer vinson syndrome?
Combination of:
- Proximal esophageal webs
- Koilonychia
- Angular chelitis
- Glossitis
- Iron def. anemia
What is Sjogren syndrome?
- Autoimmune/Rheumatologic cause of oropharyngeal dyshpagia
- Motility propulsion problem
What does Sjogren syndrome HPI look like?
- Female>male mid 50’s
- Constant not progressive
- Difficulty with solids
Sicca symptoms
- Dry mouth
- Parotid or other salivary gland enlargement
- Dry eyes
Diagnosis and treatment of Sjogren syndrome?
- Minor salivary gland biopsy
- Supportive treatment
Complications of Sjogren syndrome
- Increased oral infections
- Dental caries
- B cell NHL association
Schatzki’s ring (esophageal ring) etiology?
- Structural problem in the distal esophagus
- assoc. with hiatal hernia
- GERD possible etiology
HPI of Schatzki’s ring
- Intermittent not progressive
- difficulty with solids
- large poorly chewed food bolus is instigator
- Reflux issues
Diagnonsis and treatment of Schatzki’s ring?
- Barium swallow
- Dilation (Bougie dilator or Pneumatic dilation)
- PPI longterm if persistent heart burn or multiple dilations