Appointment Of Hitler As Chancellor Flashcards
What did Hindenburg propose to Hitler on 30th Jan1933?
To be chancellor:
. Lead a ‘government of National concentration’
- coalition government of Nazis and DNVP, including Franz Von Papen
- became chancellor after leaving meeting
What did Hindenburg and Von Papen think about Hitler as Chancellor?
His inexperience would allow him to be manipulated by experienced politicians in the cabinet
Where did Nazis stand after 1932 elections?
Biggest party in Reichstag but didn’t have a majority
How did Hitler become chancellor propaganda vs reality?
. Nazi propaganda: made it seem as though it was because of an uprising
. Reality: through negotiations and secret deals with Hindenburg and his inner circle of political advisers.
- the 1932-early 1933 political and economical crisis allowed Hitler to make these negotiations and be heard
What were the dates for Brüning’s coalition government?
March 1930 - May 1932
How did Brüning become chancellor?
Anointed by Hindenburg, not through a majority
As Brüning wasn’t voted by majority, what did he need for his proposed laws to be passed?
Hindenburg and Schleicher’s support
What was Kurt Von Schleicher determined to do and how?
To establish an authoritarian style of German government through Brüning’s government that was mostly run via presidential decree
What was Brüning’s nickname?
The ‘Hunger Chancellor’
What was Brüning’s priority on the economic policy of Germany?
To reduce state expenditure by cutting welfare benefits = less civil servants and wage cuts
How did Brüning’s economic policy cause problems?
. Deepened the Depression
- by Feb 1932: unemployment exceeded 6 million for first time ever
. Increased unemployment meant more support for Nazis and communists (‘revolution’ parties)
- street violence rose
. By Spring 1932, upper and middle class saw a communist uprising as a real threat
Why did Schleicher withdraw his support from Brüning?
April 1932: Brüning and Groener imposes ban on SA to try and stop street violence
Schleicher believes this ban will cause a Nazi uprising
What did Schleicher admit about the Nazis after the presidential election in 1932 and what did this mean?
No government could rule without Nazi support
Therefore, Schleicher proposed a coalition government to Hitler, but he didn’t agree unless Hitler would be Chancellor
Under what conditions was Hitler willing to form Schleicher’s proposed coalition?
. If he was chancellor
. If the SA ban was lifted
. If there was a new Reichstag election held
How did Brüning end up resigning?
Schleicher advised Hindenburg not to sign Brüning’s proposed presidential decrees so he had no choice as he had no majority in Reichstag
Who succeeded Brüning as Chancellor?
Von Papen, with Schleicher as Defence Minister
What was Papen’s credibility like?
. Not taken seriously except by Hindenburg
- French ambassador said his appointment was met with ‘incredulity’
What were Von Papen’s weaknesses?
. Weak political base
. Perceived as a puppet of more powerful conservatives elites such as Hindenburg
. Unstable political environment: violent clashes and unemployment didn’t match up with his conservative and aristocratic background
. Controversial policy: the coup against the Social Democratic government of Prussia
. Controversial actions: attempted to govern through emergency decrees and bypassed Reichstag
What kind of government did Hindenburg and Schleicher order Papen to make?
A government of ‘National concentration’
How was Papen’s ‘cabinet of barons’ formed?
On a non-party political basis:
. Only DNVP supported his coalition = 2 posts in cabinet
. Rest of cabinet made up of landowning and industrial elite (barons)
Why did Papen tend to rule by decree?
He had limited Reichstag support
What was Papen’s key belief as Chancellor?
A communist Revolution was the greatest threat to Germany and Weimar Democracy grew that threat
Why did Papen look down on the Nazis and why did he somewhat like them?
He was an aristocrat, but he sympathised with Hitler’s ideas and saw the mass Nazi support as useful to create a government of ‘national concentration’
What did Papen do in June 1932 and what did this cause?
Lifted the SA ban and imposed curbs on left-wing press, causing more violence especially during the June 1932 campaign
This gave Papen the chance to establish authoritarian rule in Prussia
What was the state of Prussia on 17th July 1932?
. Hamburg had KPD support as it was mainly a working-class district
. Large SA March confronted by 100 communists
. Police panicked and killed 18 communists and injured more than 100
How did Papen blame the SPD-led state government of Prussia for the 17th July outrage?
. Used it as an excuse to dismiss the government
. Declared a state of emergency in Prussia, using the army to impose order in Berlin
. Appointed himself Reich commissioner in charge of Prussia
. Purged civil service in Prussia of SPD supporters
How did Papen get away with the action he took on Prussia?
The actions were far beyond his constitutional powers but the SPD didn’t resist this assault and Goebbels said in his diary ‘the reds have missed their chance.’
When did Hitler and Schleicher agree to have the new Reichstag election?
July 1932
Which parties generally suffered losses in the July 1932 elections and why?
Most moderate parties except centre parties as politics was more extremism now
- DVP and DDP reduced to fringe parties (1.2% and 1% votes respectively)
How did the Nazis come out of the July 1932 elections?
As the main right-wing polticial party
-37.3% Nazis
5.9% DNVP
Who were supporters and opponents to the Nazis after July 1932 elections?
. Many middle-class voters, many hadn’t voted before so were inexperienced
. Unemployed
. SPD and KPD
. Couldn’t attract Catholic votes away from Centre Party
What difficult position did the Nazis realise they were in after the July 1932 elections?
They were reaching their limits from an open election
- Goebbels diary p: ‘We won’t get to an absolute majority this way’
How did Nazis decide to act after realising they couldn’t win an open election?
Hitler knew he was in a strong position in talks with Papen and Schleicher. He rejects Papen’s offer to join coalition and felt free to break his agreement with Schleicher and attack Papen’s government
How did Hitler attack Von Papen’s government?
Joined in a vote of no confidence against the government that even the communists joined in:
512 votes to 42
What was Papen forced to do after his vote of no confidence against him?
Ask Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and call a new election in November
Where did Nazis stand after November 1932 elections?
Lost 2 million votes since July elections
Why did Nazis seem to be on a decline after the November 1932 elections?
. Many middle-class voters were alienated by Hitler’s attack on Papen and refused to be in a coalition unless he led it. These voters returned to DNVP and DVP
. Nazis supported communist led transport strike in Berlin during election campaign, causing middle-class voters to be put off as they feared communist Revolution
. Three election campaigns over 8 months took much Nazi funds away
. Hitler seemed to have lost power to rule Legally
How did the communists fare in the Nov 1932 elections?
16.9% KPD and 20.4% SPD
What position was Papen’s government in after Nov 1932 elections?
Facing a Reichstag majority and was losing more credibility in the eyes of the army who he needed support from
What was Papen’s last-ditch plan to keep his government alive but what was his problem?
Ban Nazis and communists and use army to enforce an authoritarian government. Essentially bypassing the Reichstag
Schleicher told Papen the army wouldn’t support him so he had to resign
What did Hindenburg’s inner circle do?
Advised Hindenburg on appointment of chancellors and the signing of presidential decrees
Who was Kurt Von Schleicher and tell me about him?
Chief of Hindenburg’s inner circle
. Political head of army since 1926
. Head of the Ministerial Office since 1929, representing the army in government dealings
. Persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Papen
. Saw Papen as too independent-minded, crucial in his downfall
. Conservative, worked to restore authoritarian rule
. Pragmatist, recognised returning to past wouldn’t get his authoritarian rule
. Ambitious, quick-witted, worked behind scenes
. Aimed for alliance between forces of old conservative elites and Nazis
Who was Oskar Von Hindenburg and tell me about his views?
Hindenburgs son (1883-1960)
. Army officer, reached rank of major
. Close links to Schleicher
. Became his father’s aide-de-corps = allowed him to control access to the president
. His opinions were highly valued for by his father
. Opposed to Hitler as chancellor for a long time until discussions with Papen and Hitler in Jan 1933 changed his mind
Who was in Hindenburg’s inner circle?
. Oskar von Hindenburg
. Schleicher
. Dr Otto Meisner
Who was Dr Otto Meissner and what were his views?
Civil servant (1880-1953)
. Head of the Office of the President under Ebert and Hindenburg
. Acted as a go-between in negotiations between Hitler and Hindenburg (middle-man)
. Helped organise the talks with Papen and Hitler that allowed Hitler’s appointment as chancellor
. Kept serving Nazi regime after 1933 but with less power/influence
What was Hindenburg and Hitler’s relationship like?
. Initially Hindenburg dismissed Hitler as ‘that Bohemian corporal’ = initially looked down on Hitler as lesser capable, not one of the elite
. Shared fear of communist threat
. Viewed the Nazis as noisy and undisciplined so he was reluctant to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, but he was running out of options after Papen’s government fell
Why was Schleicher reluctant to ask Hindenburg to become Chancellor?
He preferred being behind the scenes (manipulating master)
What were Schleicher’s issues with forming a stable government?
. Alienated Papen
. Hindenburg lost trust in him for conspiring against Papen
When was Schleicher’s government?
December 1932-January 1933
What were Schleichers’ 3 solutions to making a more stable government?
- Persuading Nazis to join HIS coalition government
- Using a progressive social policy to get support from trade unions and therefore the Reichstag too
- Asking Hindenburg to suspend the constitution, dissolving then Reichstag and gaining dictatorial powers
Why did Schleicher believe the Nazis may have accepted joining his coalition government when he was in power?
. Seemed to have falling support since November elections and continued to fall in December state elections
. Virtually bankrupt from campaigning
. Criticisms within the Nazi party as Hitler repeatedly rejected invitations to join a coalition government
What was the main division in the Nazi Party and how did Schleicher try and use this?
Hitler vs Gregor Strasser (organisation leader of Nazi party)
. Schleicher knew Hitler was weak so could pressure him through negotiations with Strasser to join his coalition
. Hitler reasserted control by removing Strasser from the Nazi Party
What did Schleicher’s progressive social policy to get support consist of?
. Cancelled wage and benefit cuts made by Papen in September as the economy was improving
. Considered job creation schemes to end unemployment
. Talked of breaking up some large estates in the east and distributing the land to small farmers
What was the problem with Schleicher’s progressive social policy?
. Industrialists and landowners didn’t like some of the changes, and they were the backbone of conservative politics in Germany
. He failed to attract trade union support
Why did Schleicher resign?
Hindenburg refused Schleicher’s last attempt to stabilise his government by suspending the constitution
While Schleicher’s government was going on, how were Hitler and Papen negotiating?
Over a new coalition:
. Hitler still insisted on being Chancellor
. Hugenberg (DNVP leader) indicated he would support a Nazi-led coalition
Hitler, Papen and Hindenburg’s inner circle (excluding Schleicher) agreed to Hitler’s coalition with him as chancellor
How were Hindenburg’s doubts over Hitler silenced?
. Papen and Oskar Von Hindenburg reassured him Hitler wouldn’t have the free power he wanted as:
- Papen would be Vice-Chancellor and Hugenberg would run economics and food ministries
- only two other Nazis besides Hitler would be in the cabinet
What part of the NSDAP did the Strasser brothers focus on and who agreed with them?
‘Socialist’ part:
. Advocated policies such as nationalisation of banks and industry
. Supported worker strikes against employers
. Saw NSDAP as a vehicle for ‘national Revolution’ to sweep away the old elites
SA agreed
How did Hitler see the Strasser brothers as a threat to his authority and how did he act on it?
They had built a strong power base in Berlin but their policy made potential middle-class voters wary of the socialist side of NSDAP
1930 - Otto purged from party
1932 - Gregor purged from party and murdered in 1934 NOTLK
What is Strasserism?
The form of Nazism associated with the Strasser brothers: even though they were involved in the creation of the NSDAP in 1920, they called on the Nazi part to commit to ‘breaking the shackles of finance capital’
Strasser brothers: ‘Finance’/Jewish capitalism
Hitler: ‘productive capitalism’
How did Otto Strasser actively campaign against Hitler?
Founded the ‘Black Front’ - far-left, anti-capitalist and anti-Hitler movement
Continued to oppose Hitler’s regime when he was exiled in 1933:
- published anti-Nazi writings and pamphlets
- tried to organise resistance agains the Nazi government