Appointment Of Hitler As Chancellor Flashcards
What did Hindenburg propose to Hitler on 30th Jan1933?
To be chancellor:
. Lead a ‘government of National concentration’
- coalition government of Nazis and DNVP, including Franz Von Papen
- became chancellor after leaving meeting
What did Hindenburg and Von Papen think about Hitler as Chancellor?
His inexperience would allow him to be manipulated by experienced politicians in the cabinet
Where did Nazis stand after 1932 elections?
Biggest party in Reichstag but didn’t have a majority
How did Hitler become chancellor propaganda vs reality?
. Nazi propaganda: made it seem as though it was because of an uprising
. Reality: through negotiations and secret deals with Hindenburg and his inner circle of political advisers.
- the 1932-early 1933 political and economical crisis allowed Hitler to make these negotiations and be heard
What were the dates for Brüning’s coalition government?
March 1930 - May 1932
How did Brüning become chancellor?
Anointed by Hindenburg, not through a majority
As Brüning wasn’t voted by majority, what did he need for his proposed laws to be passed?
Hindenburg and Schleicher’s support
What was Kurt Von Schleicher determined to do and how?
To establish an authoritarian style of German government through Brüning’s government that was mostly run via presidential decree
What was Brüning’s nickname?
The ‘Hunger Chancellor’
What was Brüning’s priority on the economic policy of Germany?
To reduce state expenditure by cutting welfare benefits = less civil servants and wage cuts
How did Brüning’s economic policy cause problems?
. Deepened the Depression
- by Feb 1932: unemployment exceeded 6 million for first time ever
. Increased unemployment meant more support for Nazis and communists (‘revolution’ parties)
- street violence rose
. By Spring 1932, upper and middle class saw a communist uprising as a real threat
Why did Schleicher withdraw his support from Brüning?
April 1932: Brüning and Groener imposes ban on SA to try and stop street violence
Schleicher believes this ban will cause a Nazi uprising
What did Schleicher admit about the Nazis after the presidential election in 1932 and what did this mean?
No government could rule without Nazi support
Therefore, Schleicher proposed a coalition government to Hitler, but he didn’t agree unless Hitler would be Chancellor
Under what conditions was Hitler willing to form Schleicher’s proposed coalition?
. If he was chancellor
. If the SA ban was lifted
. If there was a new Reichstag election held
How did Brüning end up resigning?
Schleicher advised Hindenburg not to sign Brüning’s proposed presidential decrees so he had no choice as he had no majority in Reichstag
Who succeeded Brüning as Chancellor?
Von Papen, with Schleicher as Defence Minister
What was Papen’s credibility like?
. Not taken seriously except by Hindenburg
- French ambassador said his appointment was met with ‘incredulity’
What were Von Papen’s weaknesses?
. Weak political base
. Perceived as a puppet of more powerful conservatives elites such as Hindenburg
. Unstable political environment: violent clashes and unemployment didn’t match up with his conservative and aristocratic background
. Controversial policy: the coup against the Social Democratic government of Prussia
. Controversial actions: attempted to govern through emergency decrees and bypassed Reichstag
What kind of government did Hindenburg and Schleicher order Papen to make?
A government of ‘National concentration’
How was Papen’s ‘cabinet of barons’ formed?
On a non-party political basis:
. Only DNVP supported his coalition = 2 posts in cabinet
. Rest of cabinet made up of landowning and industrial elite (barons)
Why did Papen tend to rule by decree?
He had limited Reichstag support
What was Papen’s key belief as Chancellor?
A communist Revolution was the greatest threat to Germany and Weimar Democracy grew that threat
Why did Papen look down on the Nazis and why did he somewhat like them?
He was an aristocrat, but he sympathised with Hitler’s ideas and saw the mass Nazi support as useful to create a government of ‘national concentration’
What did Papen do in June 1932 and what did this cause?
Lifted the SA ban and imposed curbs on left-wing press, causing more violence especially during the June 1932 campaign
This gave Papen the chance to establish authoritarian rule in Prussia