Applying psychology to teaching Flashcards
(1) Explain the nature and theory of psychology in relation to educational research and practice. (2) Summarize the teaching as inquiry model.
What Is Educational Psychology?
scientific discipline that uses psychological concepts and research methods to understand how the various characteristics of students, teachers, learning tasks, and educational settings interact to produce the everyday behaviors common in school settings
How Will Learning About Educational Psychology Help
You Be a Better Teacher?
educational psychology can help you be a better teacher through (teaching is a complex enterprise, research can inform teachers, and professional coursework contributes to competence)
What are the nature and values of science in teaching?
information reported by scientists can be especially useful for those who plan to teach. Some of the reasons for this conviction become apparent when the characteristics of science are examined and compared with the limitations of casual observation.
What is control as a characteristic of scientific studies?
test hypothesis under controlled experiments. keep all factors the same but one
What is objectivity as a characteristic of scientific studies?
guard against being misled by predetermined ideas, wishful thinking, or selected evidence
What is publication as a characteristic of scientific studies?
Complete reports of experiments—including descriptions of subjects, methods, results, and conclusions—are published in professional journals.
What is replication as a characteristic of scientific studies?
other experimenters to replicate a study to discover if they obtain the same results.
What is replication as a characteristic of scientific studies?
other experimenters to replicate a study to discover if they obtain the same results.
Explain limited focus of research.
Complicating Factors in the Study of Behavior and Thought Processes: results relate most directly to the type of person who participated in the study and the circumstances under which the study was conducted. Change any of the variables and you might not get the same result.
Explain complexity of teaching and learning.
Complicating Factors in the Study of Behavior and Thought Processes: difficult to implement research findings and programs uniformly, the outcomes are the result of complex interactions among numerous variables
Explain selection and interpretation of data.
Complicating Factors in the Study of Behavior and Thought Processes: The amount of scientific information available on behavior and mental processes is so extensive that no individual could examine or interpret all of it
Explain, new finding means revised ideas.
Complicating Factors in the Study of Behavior and Thought Processes: Subsequent studies, however, may reveal that the original research was incomplete, or repeated applications of a technique may show that it is less effective once the novelty has worn off. But frequent shifts of emphasis in education also reflect the basic nature of science.
What are the four Complicating Factors in the Study of Behavior and Thought Processes.
Limited focus of research, complexity of teaching and learning, selection and interpretation of data, and new findings mean revised ideas.
What does Wasserman mean by flexibility?
flexibility includes both the ability to improvise (making some sort of on-the-spot change) and to modify (adopting a different approach after some data collection and reflection).
How can a teacher be flexible?
Having an open mind-set regarding how to provide instruction and how to respond to students.
Explain what counts as credible research evidence.
Research evidence that is useful under certain circumstances. May not always be credible if circumstances cannot be replicated.
What are the four steps of teaching as inquiry?
Asking questions, Gathering data, Reflection, Taking Action
Teaching as inquiry: Asking questions…
Ask useful questions about classroom practices.
Teaching as inquiry: Gathering data…
collecting information that bears on the questions you’ve asked.
Teaching as inquiry: Reflection…
Thinking about how one teaches, why one teaches that way, and what effect that has on students is recognized as an indispensable aspect of teaching
Teaching as inquiry: Taking action…
incorporating what you learned into future lessons.