Applying Material From Item A, Analyse 2 Ways In Which Processes Within Schools May Affect Pupils Identities Flashcards
Topic 1 sentence
One way in which processes in schools may affect pupils’ identities and consequently social inequalities. As stated in item A “The curriculum may place a higher value on middle class cultural capital and place some pupils at a disadvantage”
point 1
The curriculum values the cultural capital of the middle class
Example 1
For example, middle class parents encourage an interest in books which may have a positive effects on the identities because middle class children acquire a “symbolic power” at school
Explanation 1
The praise of middle classes external encouragement of cultural capital means that middle class children are more likely to be successful due to their use of elaborated code.
However the curriculum placing higher values on middle class cultural capital working class children may feel that their culture is not valued in schools and therefore find it difficult to engage with the curriculum and therefore less likely to be as successful there not going to feel worthy.
Another way in which schools may affect pupils identities is teacher labelling as item A states “ teacher-pupil relationships amd interactions within peer groups”
PARA 2 - point
The interaction with teacher-pupil relationships in schools might lead to pro or anti-school culture
PARA 2 - Example 2
For example, middle class students are seen as “ideal” students whilst teachers may judge working class students from council estates as potentially troublesome
Explain 2
A single students interaction with teachers suggest the teacher believes that middle class pupils are bright whilst negative labelling of working class students may develop a negative self image from the interaction with the teacher.
Evaluation 2
Therefore working class students negative interaction ultimately de-motivates them and results in a self-fulfilling prophecy in an anti-school subculture as an alternative means of gaining status.