Applying Assumptions To Therapies Flashcards
Apply the assumption ‘acknowledgment of free will’ to mindfulness.
The key to mindfulness is becoming consciously aware of your present, thoughts and feelings being able to self regulate. Mindfulness is about actively responding to your feelings. It encourages people to take control of their thoughts and emotions and be responsible for reducing the amount of time spent focusing on negative emotions and thinking. Mindfulness enables the individual to choose to exercise control of their feelings. If the choice is made, then they develop a more productive attitude towards our feelings and increase our sense of well-being, rather than spending time, focusing on negative thoughts.
Apply the assumption ‘authenticity of goodness and excellence’ to mindfulness.
Mindfulness demonstrates that positive human traits are as authentic as negative. Engaging in mindfulness indicates that individuals are striving to achieve fulfilment by developing their core strengths. Mindfulness aims to help people develop their signature strengths. it encourages people to develop stronger, core traits of perspective, developing optimism, wisdom, gratitude perseverance, self determination, through mindfulness. If you enhance your positive characteristics, you have a happier life.
Apply the assumption ‘internal mental processes’ to CBT.
This means that the best way to understand behaviour is to investigate how an individual thinks about situation. The cognitive approach argues that mental illness, such as depression, OCD and anxiety are caused by maladaptive or negative thoughts and beliefs. The dysfunctional diary identifies irrational thought processes and cognitive restructuring changes negative perceptions. It presents evidence to show that thought processes are irrational.
Apply the assumption ‘schemas’ to CBT.
The cognitive assumption that schemas influence how we make sense of and respond to the world around us can also be related to an important aspect of CBT. this is because those who have faulty thinking patterns have developed negative self schemas. CBT enables the client to challenge these negative schemas. leading to changes and how they respond to events or situations (the cognitive triad).
Apply the assumption ‘the unconscious mind’ to dream analysis.
Psychoanalysis establishes whether repression is causing the person’s psychological illness. Dream analysis is a technique used during psychoanalysis to make the unconscious conscious. This means that people gain access to their behaviour and can cure their psychological illness. The threatening nature of our unconscious thoughts is disguised in dreams. The purpose of dream analysis is to interpret what is in the unconscious mind as it expresses itself in the storyline of a dream.
Apply the assumption ‘tripartite personality’ to dream analysis.
It is thought that the demands of the id, the desires and wishes that are unacceptable in our normal waking hours are relegated to our dreams. This means that dreams allows us to play out our wishes and desires in an acceptable way, rather than containing them, meaning they build up and threaten our sanity. During our waking hours, the ego is able to block out, unacceptable demands of the end, an employ ego defence mechanisms however, when we dream, our ego defences are down. Terefore, the id becomes active, allowing desires to be acted upon.
Apply the assumption ‘localisation of brain function’ to psychosurgery.
Localisation of brain function is the idea that certain areas of the brain have different functions. if we treat psychological disorders in the same way as physical ones, then targeting the brain area that contributes to the disorder should help with symptoms. For example, trans orbital lobotomy damages, the prefrontal cortex, which reduces aggressive behaviour as the frontal lobe is in control of personality.
Apply the assumption ‘neurotransmitters’ to psychosurgery.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the brain that can influence behaviour. More recent methods of psychosurgery involves stimulating areas of the brain which in turn effects neurotransmitter functioning. If the stimulation can be used to increase NT’s like serotonin then the therapy will be successful of alleviating symptoms of disorders.
Apply the assumption ‘blank slate’ to systematic desensitisation.
The behaviours approach argues that we are born a blank slate, which means that they do not believe we are born with phobias. This means that the behaviourists believe phobias are shaped by our experiences with our environment, which means that our environment can be manipulated to unlearn the fear response to the phobic stimulus. Systematic desensitisation allows people to learn a new response to their phobic stimulus one of relaxation rather than fear. This new response is shaped by the environment.
Apply the assumption ‘conditioning’ to systematic desensitisation.
The behaviourists believe that phobias can be unlearnt using classical conditioning, via association. Systematic desensitisation enables people to associate this phobic stimulus with relaxation instead of fear. This is because their phobic object is paired with relaxation, on numerous occasions, so relaxation is a conditioned/learned response. The fear response is replaced with relaxation.