Applied Ethics Flashcards
Different Perspectives on Abortion
- Utilitarianism -> would weigh out pleasure and pain
- Natural Law -> sanity of life argument
- Situation Ethics -> choose the most loving outcome within the situation
Types of Euthanasia
- voluntary
- passive
- active
- inactive
Animal Ethics
Includes -> animal testing, factory faming and hunting
Utilitarianism -> consider animal suffering
Kant -> animals lack rationality, so duties/actions are indirect
Virtue Ethics -> encourages kindness to animals
What are Catholic opinions regarding Sexuality?
- Roman Catholicism argues that sexual inclination towards the same sex is not wrong as long as it is not acted upon; it is a trial/test from god
- Homosexuals must be treated with respect and compassion, the Roman Catholic Church condemns any acts of violence/persecution
Alternative (immoral) catholic argument towords homosexuality
homosexuality can br argued at immoral from the bible for two reasons;
- passages from the bible condemn homosexuality. St Paul describes engaging in same-sex acts as ‘dishonouring their bodies’
- natural law theory argues the purpose of the sexual relation is procreation
Roman Catholic Church on Contraception
- believes that artificial contraception is sinful, whether it is a method that prevents conception (eg condom) or early abortion (eg morning after pill)
- using contraception encourages immoral behaviour, specifically pre-marital or extra-marital sex, thus damaging institution of marriage
Jack Dominian’s critique of Roman Catholism
- Dominian realised that Catholic teachings on marriage were too absolute and legistic. He argued that marriage is a sacred bond which cannot be broken, religion should work together to support couples
Natural law approach to abortion
- life begins at conception; therefore abortion is morally wrong
- based on aquinas natural law -> stating all actions should sign with their purpose (reproduction and preserving life)
criticism of natural law approach to abortion
- lack of flexibility
- disregard for individuals autonomy/health
-outdated and religious bias
Utilitarianism approach to abortion
- bentham’s act utilitarianism -> abortion is right if it maximises pleasure/reduces pain
- mills rule utilitarianism -> personal autonomy is important, so women should have control over own bodies
kanthain ethics (deontological approach) to abortion
- abortion is wrong because killing cannot be universalised as a moral law
- humans should be treated as ends, not means, so the fetes has inherent dignity
criticsm of kanthan ethics deontological approach to abortion
too rigid, does not consider individual circumstances
The Euthyphro dilema
- Developed by Plato; socrates asks Euthyphro whether something is morally good because god commands it or whether the gods command something that is morally good
- if god is the source of moral goodness, then god can make what is good bad
- if good commands us to do things which are ‘good’ this implies that god is conforming to an independent standard of goodness
Responses to The Euphyro Dilema
american christian philospher Robert Adams argues that although god may appear at times to ask humanity to perform actions which are not ‘morally good’, in the long run god would not ask us to perform actions which could morally harm us
autonomous ethics - kant
he argues in that human beings are rational beings who can discover the moral rule through reason. however, kant does not deny the existence of god and argues that if god exists; he and humanity abide by the same principles
autonomous ethics premise - kant
- humanity ought to strive towords moral perfection, he argues human beings have a good will; this is the only correct moral intention
- to act out of good will is to seek the highest good, the ‘summun bonum’
- however, it is not within our power as humans to achieve it, although we strive towards virtue, we cannot ensure we get what we deserve -> as we are not omnipotent
the westboro babtist church
- an american hate group founded by fred phelps in 1955, they argue that events such as 9/11 and natural disasters are divine retribution (consequences) for Americas tolerance of homosexuality
dawkins on terrorism
- for dawkins, religion can be a huge motivator for terrorism, religious extremism has overtaken national separtism to become the main cause of terrorist attacks across the world
- dawkins also feels religious people abide by moral code to score points in heaven, this thinking can be the root of terrorist actions
criticism on dawkins on terrorism
- generalising a religion to the actions of a few individuals
- ignores the role of religion as a force for good
- ignores the fact that many religious followers are followers out of an act of love
Just War - Ethical Theories
Situation Ethics -> agape love = core principle, could justify war to save more lives, no rules leads to context dependent decision making
Utilitarianism -> war can be justifies if it leads to maximum level of happiness
Just War - Just Ad Bellum (before war)
- just cause
- last resort
- legitimate authority
- probability of success
- right intention
Just War - Just Post Bellum (After War)
- fair peace settlement
- punishment for war crimes
- reconstruction
Just War - Jus In Bello (During War)
- discrimination
- proportionality
- no evil means
Just War - Absolute Pacifism
- war is morally wrong
- argues for a complete and universal rejection of war/conflict