Application/Readings and Literacy Comprehension Flashcards
What is the difference between fission and fussion?
Fission is the splitting of a nucleus into small fragments, which causes waste. Fussion is the combination of two nuclei into one large nucleus, which does not cause waste.
What is nuclear energy?
Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom that is harnessed when you split the atom (fission) or combine two atoms into one (fussion).
How does nuclear fission create electricity?
Atoms are split apart which creates electricity when converting water into steam to turn the turbines.
What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fussion?
Nuclear fusion provides heat and light when the nuclei of two smaller atoms are joined to form a heavier, larger atom. Nuclear fission is used to create steam by splitting uranium atoms.
What was the name of the first nuclear weapon dropped and where was it released?
The first nuclear weapon used was named “Little Boy”. It was released on Hiroshima, Japan.
What is the main difference between how a fossil fuel power plant and a fission power plant generates electrictiy?
A fossil fuel power plant burns coal or oil to create heat to turn water into steam, which turns the turbines. This creates pollution. Nuclear fission power plants create heat by splitting atoms to turn water into steam, which turns the turbines. This does not create as much pollution but does create nuclear waste.
Why are nuclear fusion power plants not yet an option?
We do not yet have the technology to combine atoms to create heat.
Describe the chain reaction that causes the fission nuclear explosion.
The nuclear bomb’s neutrons are fired at uranium or plutonium atoms that then split producing smaller atoms and energy. They collide with each other.
As a multiple, how much more powerful are fusion bombs compared with fission bombs?
Fission bombs produce an explosion equal to 500,000 TNT and fussion bombs produce an explosion equal to 50,000,000 TNT. So, 500,000 to 50,000,000.
What do you think nuclear power plants are used on vessels such as spacecrafts, submarines and aircraft carriers?
Nuclear power provides a good source of energy to run the ships’ power plants and life support systems for long periods of time without the need to refuel.
Why do some consider nuclear power plants environmentally friendly?
They do not emit greenhouse gases or harmful pollutions.
What are some drawbacks for using nuclear power?
They create radioactive waste that lasts and long time and must be disposed of.
What to you think the future of nuclear energy will bring us? An energy solution or an energy disaster?
An energy solution - with new technology, nuclear power will become more safe and pollution free.
What are atomic bombs?
The nuclear bomb’s neutrons are fired at uranium or plutonium atoms that then split producing smaller atoms and energy. They collide with each other.
Should we have created nuclear bombs?
No. They are very destructive to the planet and mankind.
How was radium used in everyday life?
To make paint luminous, in toothpaste, cosmetics (make up), clock dials, etc.
What happened to the women exposed to radium?
Because the true nature of the radium had been kept from them, the Radium Girls painted their nails, teeth, and faces for fun with the deadly paint produced at the factory. Many of the workers became sick; over 50 died from exposure to radiation by 1927. Several are buried in Orange’s Rosedale Cemetery.