how does radius and ulna articulates with humerus to form the elbow
Medial and lateral epicondyle: attachment site for ligaments to stabilize the elbow
how does humerus and scapula articulate to form shoulder
glenoid cavity
how does tibia and fibula and tarsals articulate to form ankle
membrane between radius and ulna and between tibia and fibula
Interosseous membrane
function of Sternal end (clavicle)
articulates with manubrium of sternum
function of Acromial end (clavicle)
articulates with the acromion of scapula
function of Conoid tubercle (clavicle)
attachment for shoulder ligaments
function of Costal tuberosity (clavicle)
attachment for shoulder ligaments
function of Glenoid cavity (scapula)
articulates with head of humerus
function of Subscapular fossa (scapula)
attachment for the subscapularis muscle
function of Infraspinous fossa (scapula)
attachment for the infraspinatus muscle
function of Supraspinous fossa (scapula)
attachment for the supraspinatus muscle
function of Coracoid process (scapula)
attachment for biceps brachii muscle
function of accordion (scapula)
attachment for trapezius muscle
function of spine (scapula)
attachment for deltoid and trapezius muscle
function of head (humerus)
articulates with the glenoid cavity of scapula
function of greater tubercle (humerus)
attachment for rotator cuff muscles
function of lesser tubercle (humerus)
attachment for rotator cuff muscles
function of Intertubercular sulcus (humerus)
passageway for biceps brachii tendon; attachment for latissimus dorsi muscle
function of Deltoid tuberosity (humerus)
attachment for deltoid muscle