Appendicular/Axial Joints Flashcards
Fiberous joints
-cranial sutures
- interosseous membrane (connects 2 bones together)
Cartilaginous joints
- Primary: temp, cartilage bt/wn bones –> growth plates
- Secondary: Permanent cartilage bt/wn bones –> intervertebral discs
Synovial joints
- united w/ synovial fluid capsule
- allows for lubricated movement
Hinge joint
- uniaxial
- flexion/extension ONLY
Ball and socket joint
- Multiaxial
-mvmnt in several axis - hip
Intervertebral joint
- disc bt/wn 2 vertibrae
- secondary cart. joint
Zygapophyseal joint
- bt/wn two articular processes
- synovial joint
Atlanto-occipital joint
-bt/wn occipital and C1(atlas)
-synovial joint
-flexion of head up and down
Atlanto-axial joint
-bt/wn C1 and C2
-synovial joint
-flexion of head side to side
Costovertebral joint
- 2 synovial joints
-bt/wn thoracic vertebra - mvmt during respiration
Glenohumeral joint
- ball and socket joint in SHOULDER
- reinforced by rotator cuff muscles
Elbow joints
1) trochlea-throchlear notch: hinge
- forearm flex/extension
2)capitulum-radial head: condylar
-forearm pro/supination
Wrist joints
radius- scaphoid: condylar
- flex/extension + ad/adduction of wrist
thumb joint
trapezium- 1st metacarpal: saddle shaped
- opposition of thumb
Hip joint
-ball and socket
-reinforced by iliofemoral ligament
knee joint
- hinge
-flex/extension of leg
Foot joints
1) tibia-talus (ANKLE JOINT): hinge
2) talus- navicular: condylar
- in/eversion of foot