App. People Flashcards
who’s story teaches about the misguided passions of drowning in their own self-absorbed behavior?
who was credited in scripture as modeling the behavior outlined in Philippians 2:3-4
the question that Jesus posed to the Jewish Leaders when they were asked by “who’s and what authority” Jesus was led by, was centered around this person
John the Baptist
Upon Jesus’ triumphant entry, whose actions were a testimony showing their belief that Jesus was the Messiah
Those laying the palm branches
Whose behavior resulted in the Jewish Leaders becoming indignant during Jesus’ triumphant entry
the children
after Jesus made His triumphant entry, they wanted to know more about the teachings of Christ
the Greeks
Who tried to manipulate a situation involving Jesus to make it look like they were concerned about “giving” to the poor, when they were actually motivated by greed
who designed a religion that had a stated purpose of being for the people, but really it was designed as a set of rules to control the people
The Jewish Leaders
the individual that the cheif priests plotted to kill so that the people would not remember the great deeds of Jesus
he showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater
John the Baptist
Who decided to kill Jesus in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus
The Jewish Leaders
the author of the quote: “Faith is more adequately recognized as the activity of seeking and discovering meaning in the most comprehensive dimensions of our experience.”
Old Testament person who received direction from God via a donkey.
Old Testament person who received direction from God via a still, small voice
Old Testament person who DID NOT receive direction from God via a vision.
Old Testament person who received direction from God when putting out a fleece
Which Biblical character was used to teach us that responsibility to service means that serving someone in need is NOT optional.
The Good Samaritan