APP Oral Exam Flashcards
What are the objectives of air traffic services?
(1) prevent collisions between aircraft;
(2) prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area;
(3) expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic;
(4) provide advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
(5) notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required
What do Aerodrome control co-ordinate with Approach?
- Departing IFR flights
- Arriving aircraft making their first call on tower frequency (unless they are transferred to Approach control)
What shall approach control coordinate with Aerodrome?
- aircraft approaching to land; if necessary requesting landing clearance
- arriving aircraft which are to be cleared to visual holding points
- aircraft routing through the traffic circuit
When shall Aerodrome control transfer control of aircraft to approach?
- In VMC, prior to the aircraft leaving the vicinity of the aerodrome, or prior to the aircraft entering IMC
- In IMC, immediately after the aircraft is airborne.
What do we advise pilots of regarding LVPs?
The implementation and cancellation of them
When do we pass traffic information to aircraft?
Traffic information and instructions shall be passed to aircraft on any occasion that a controller considers it necessary in the interests of safety, or when requested by a pilot.
What is Essential Aerodrome Information?
Information concerning the state of the manoeuvring area and its associated facilities that may constitute a hazard to a particular aircraft. It shall be issued to pilots in sufficient time to ensure the safe operation of aircraft. This may include the provision of urgent information to pilots during take-off or landing runs.
What would constitute Essential Aerodrome Information?
- Construction work or maintenance on the manoeuvring area
- Rough portions of the manoeuvring area and whether marked or not
- failure of irregular functioning of Aerodrome lighting system. Pilot is responsible for deciding whether this affects his flight
- Failure or irregular operation of approach aids
- Aircraft parked close to the runways or taxiways and aircraft engaged in ground running of engines
- depth of snow layers on runways and taxiways, snow piled or drifted on the manoeuvring area, melting now and slush, rutted ice and snow.
- In snow or ice conditions, information concerning sweeping and/or sanding of runways and taxiways
- Reports on the estimated braking action
- Bird formations or individual large birds on the manoeuvring area or in the vicinity of the aerodrome. Also bird dispersal action taking place
- Warnings on presence of water on runways
- Information on the location and operational status of any arrester gear.
How long after ATD are you supposed to leave the aerodrome open?
15 minutes after ATD to allow for aircraft having to return
When must the runway lighting be on?
By day= High intensity lighting must be used when Vis is less than 5000m and or cloud base is less than 700ft
What happens in the event of a laser attack on a pilot?
Where local arrangements have not been established, controllers should take the following actions whenever a report of a laser attack upon an aircraft is received:
(1) Acknowledge the report from the pilot;
(2) Seek as much information regarding the incident as possible from the pilot, including: (a) the time of the attack; (b) altitude and position at the time of the attack; (c) description of the laser light i.e. colour, whether continuous or pulsing etc; (d) any avoiding action taken; (e) any impact upon vision / concentration.
(3) Anticipate the need for the pilot to adopt manoeuvres/operational techniques to minimise the impact on the aircraft;
(4) Dial 999, and pass all relevant information to the local police;
(5) Warn pilots of other aircraft in the vicinity that laser activity has been reported. The duration of providing these warnings will be stated in MATS Part 2;
(6) Record the details in the ATC watch log and report the occurrence
What should you do if subjected to a malicious laser attack?
- Look away from beam
- Shield eyes and consider using sun blinds
- Advise aircraft that your are subject to laser attack
- Avoid rubbing eyes
- Consider increasing ambient light levels to minimise effects
- Consider handing over to a colleague
- Inform a supervisor who can then inform aerodrome operator and police
- Record event in the ATC watch log.
What is wind shear?
A sustained change in wind velocity along the aircraft flight path, which occurs significantly faster than the aircraft can accelerate or decelerate
Can occur at any level
Why is wind shear on approach especially dangerous?
Because the aircraft is in a critical phase of flight close to the ground where there is not much room for error
What conditions would you expect to bring wind shear?
- The presence of frontal/squall/thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of the aerodrome
- The presence of low level inversions where the surface wind will be significantly different from that at only a few hundred feet above the ground
- Local terrain or buildings considered in relation to wind speed and direction; such large obstructions can cause wind shear as well as the more usual turbulence and gusts
What do we do on receipt of a report of windshear?
Relay the information to subsequent outbound and inbound flights until confirmation is received that the windshear no longer exists
What should a windshear report from a pilot include?
- A warning of the presence of windshear
- The height or height band where it was encountered
- The time at which it was encountered
- Details of the effect on the aircraft, eg speed loss/gain, vertical speed tendencies, change in drift
When is the minimum visibility reported?
When there is a reported vis in any direction that is below 1500m or less than 50% of the prevailing visibility.
If there is more than one minimum vis than only report the most operationally significant.
When do we pass the instant wind?
When the pilot requests it.
In what increments is RVR reported?
25m up to 400m
50m between 400-800m
100m above 800m
What is the minimum RVR reportable?
What is the maximum RVR reportable?
When are IRVR values passed?
At the beginning of each approach to land, changes must be passed until a/c lands
And must be passed before take-off
How would you transmit the RVR?
“RVR runway 26, 650-500-550 metres”
If there are only 2 they have to be identified individually;
“RVR runway 26, touchdown 650, stop end 550 metres”