Apocolocyntosis, ch 4 Flashcards
convolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll together; roll up, coil
aspiciō aspicere aspēxī aspectus
to look at, behold
astrum astrī n.
star, constellation
aurōra aurōrae f.
the dawn, morning; personified, Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, who precedes the horses of the sun–god; the east; the sun
however; moreover
axis axis m.
axis, north pole; axle-tree, axle
cantus –ūs m.
a singing or playing; melody; song; strain, sound; incantation, charm (> cano)
capillus capillī m.
carcer carceris m.
prison, jail; starting gate
cervīx cervīcis f.
neck, nape; severed head/neck
cithara –ae f.
the cithara, cithern, or lute
coma comae f.
hair, tresses
cōmoedus –ī m.
comic actor
concacō concacāre
to defile with ordure, cover with filth
concitō concitāre concitāvī concitātus
to arouse, incite
contorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
to turn round entirely, twist; turn; hurl, cast, lance
corōnō coronāre coronāvī coronātus
to crown, surround
crīnis crīnis m.
decus decoris n.
beauty, grace; ornament, glory, honor
dēmō dēmere dēmpsī dēmptus
to remove
dēsinō dēsinere dēsiī dēsitus
to stop/end/finish, abandon/leave/break off, desist/cease; come to/at end/close
dētineō –ēre –uī –tentus
to hold from or back; hold, detain (> de and teneo)
discutiō –ere –cussī –cussus
to shake off, strike off; disperse, dissipate, dispel (> dis– and quatio)
ēbulliō ēbullīre
to boil over
exspīrō exspīrāre exspīrāvī exspīrātus
to breathe out; to expire, die
faciō facere fēcī factus
to make; do; reckon
faciō facere fēcī factus
to make; do; reckon
fallō fallere fefellī falsus
to deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat
fātum fātī n. or fātus –ī m.
destiny, fate; in pl. (often), death
faveō favēre fāvī fautūrus
to favor, be devoted to; show partiality, support someone enthusiastically
festīnō festīnāre festīnāvī festīnātus
to hurry, rush
fīlum –ī n.
thread, string
flagrō flagrāre flagrāvī flagrāturus
to burn
fōrmōsus –a –um
beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form
fulgor –ōris m. or fulgur –ūris n.
lightning, flash, brightness
fūsus –ī m.
a weighted spindle on which yarn is wound and twisted
Hesperus –ī m.
the evening star
intentus –a –um
earnestly attentive, intent; expectant (> intendo)
Lachesis –is
Lachesis, one of the Fates
laetus –a –um
lāna –ae f.
lassus –a –um
tired, weary
laurus –ī f.
lūcidus –a –um
bright, shining, gleaming, glittering; clear (> luceo)
Lūcifer –ferī m.
Lucifer, the morning star, son of Aurora (dawn) and Cephalus
metallum –ī n.
a mine; metal
ministrō ministrāre ministrāvī ministrātus
to attend (to), serve, furnish; supply
moderor moderārī moderātus sum
to manage, direct, guide
modus modī m.
measure; limit; rhythm, meter; manner, way
mollis molle
soft (cushion/grass); flexible; mild, tolerable; easy; calm; weak; cowardly; unmanly; pathic; tender (women/youths); peaceful; kindly; impressionable
neō nēre nēvī nētus
to spin; weave
Nestor –ōris
Nestor, a son of Neleus, and king of Pylus, famous among the heroes before Troy for his wisdom and eloquence. He is said to have lived through three generations of men
very much; too much; exceedingly
nitidus –a –um
shining, bright, glittering (> niteo)
niveus –a –um
snowy, of snow; snow–white (> nix)
Parca –ae f.
more freq. pl., Parcae, arum, f., the Fates (Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the allotter, and Atropos, the unaverted)
pensum –ī n.
wool; alloted task, stint
Pierius –a –um
Pierian, of the Muses
plectrum, ī, n.
a plectrum; a pick (for a lyre)
praestō praestāre praestitī praestitus
to excel, surpass; prevail; furnish, make available, hand over; play part; apply; fulfill; keep word; be responsible for
pretiōsus –a –um
of great value, costly, precious
moreover, certainly (emphasizing one statement with reference to another)
redimiō –imīre –imiī –imītum
to encircle (with a garland)
remissus –a –um
slack, loose, relaxed, languid
rubicundus –a –um
ruddy; red
rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptus
to break; destroy
solitus –a –um
having been accustomed, wont; p., wonted, usual, habitual
solvō solvere solvī solūtus
to loosen; pay, free, release; dissolve
sonitus –ūs m.
a sounding; noise; roaring; thunder (> sono)
of one’s own will; voluntarily; for one’s own sake
stāmen –inis n.
the foundation threads in weaving, basis, warp
stolidus –a –um
dull, stupid, inert
subtēmen –inis n.
that which is woven under or passed under or across the warp in weaving; the cross thread, weft, woof or filling; thread (> subtexo)
surgō surgere surrēxī surrēctus
to rise, lift; grow
tālis tāle
such, of such a sort
Tithōnus –ī m.
the husband of Aurora (Dawn); he was immortal but kept getting older and older
trānscendō –scendere –scendī –scēnsum
to climb over, pass over, cross, overstep, surmount
ulterior –Ius; ultimus –a –um
far; farther; farthest, latest; last; highest, greatest
alas, woe to
vellus –eris n.
a fleece; woolen band or fillet; skin
vīlis vīlis vīle
cheap, worthless