Apocolocyntosis ch. 1 Flashcards
this list began with the Bridge database, with some additions; the order may not be that in which words appear in the text
Words have been selected more or less by instinct; I have tried to include not only unusual words but also words that intermediate and advanced students can find difficult
Words switch to rough alphabetical order after the first few chapters.
NOTE: asterisks indicate uncommon meanings of common words
In case of corrections etc please contact wturpin1@swarthmore.edu
saeculum saeculī n.
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century; worldliness; the world; heathenism; time; past/present/future [in ~ => forever]
prōverbium –ī n.
an old saying, saw, maxim, adage, proverb
offēnsa –ae f.
disfavor, displeasure, offence, hatred, enmity
fatuus –a –um
feeble minded, silly, foolish, asinine
from where, whence
historicus, ī, m.
in person, face–to–face; in one’s presence, before one’s eyes; publicly, openly
libet (libēre) libuit libitum est
it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
iter itineris n.
journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]
aequus –a –um
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil
nūntius nūnti(ī) m.
messenger/herald/envoy; message (oral), warning; report; messenger’s speech
passus passūs m.
pace, footstep; mila passuum a thousand paces, a mile