Apocolocyntosis ch. 14 Flashcards
advocātiō –ōnis f. *
a consoling, comforting; * (in law) an adjournment, a postponement
advocātus –ī m.
a friend who supports a party in a trial, an attendant, adviser; an aid, helper
Aeacus –ī m.
Aeacus, legendary king of Aegina and judge in the underworld
ālea –ae f.
a game with dice, and in gen.; a game of hazard or chance; chance, hazard
by any way, in any direction, any whither
attonō attonāre attonuī attonitus
to thunder at; p., attonitus, a, um, (fig.), stunned; agitated; amazed, astonished; afflicted, overwhelmed; spellbound, hushed (> ad and tono)
convictor –ōris m.
intimate friend, companion
Cornēlius, a, um
of the Cornelian gens; lex Cornelia, a law of a Cornelius, esp. Sulla
disertus –a –um
skillful, clear, clever, well–spoken, fluent
edō ēsse ēdī ēsus
to eat/consume/devour; eat away (fire/water/disease); destroy; spend money on food
effectus –ūs m.
fulfilment, accomplishment; effect, result, consequence
irritus or inritus –a –um
invalid, void
Ixīōn –onis m.
Ixion, the father of Pirithous, and king of the Lapithae, who was bound to an ever revolving wheel in Hades for offering violence to Juno
latūra, ae, f.
the carrying of burdens; the job of being a porter
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
to play, mock, tease, trick; play with
missiō –ōnis f.
a letting go, sending away, a sending, despatching; a throwing, hurling ; release from capitivity; discharge from service; missio sanguinis: blood-letting
oportet oportēre oportuit
to it is proper, it is right
patior patī passus sum
to experience, suffer, endure; permit, allow
pereō perīre periī peritūs
to perish, die; pass away, be destroyed, be ruined; go to waste
pertundō pertundere pertudī pertūsus
to thrust through, bore through, perforate
postulō postulāre postulāvī postulātus
to demand, claim; require; ask/pray for
prōficiō prōficere prōfēcī prōfectum *
to advance, be of use; * make progress
rota rotae f.
sīcārius –ī m.
an assassin, murderer
Sīsyphus or –os –ī m.
Sisyphus, son of Æolus, king of Corinth, famous for his cunning and robberies
sitis –is f.
stupeō –ēre –uī
to be amazed or dazed; to be bewildered, confounded, lost in wonder; wonder at
subscriptiō, ōnis, f.
something written underneath, a subscription or signature; (in law) an indictment
succurrō –currere –currī –cursūrum
to come to mind
sufflāminō (1)
slow down, brake (a wheel, using a sufflamen)
finally, at last; in questions and commands, pray, I ask you, then
so much, so far; hardly, only; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as.
tessera –ae f.
a square tablet; a ticket inscribed with the watchword; the watchword or password