APGopCh8KristianRuiz Flashcards
Administrative Adjudication
A quasi-judicial process in which a bureaucratic agency settles disputes between two parties in a manner similar to the way courts resolve disputes.
The Administrative Adjudication is like when my mom has to calm me and my sister down when we get into our disputes.
Administrative Discretion
The flexible exercising of judgment and decision making allowed to public administrators.
The Administrative Discretion is me when I am judging the kids at school.
Cabinet Departments
15 total of various size, status, visibility, and function. They all advise the President, help execute/implement programs; have broad responsibility. Examples: State (the most prestigious. The diplomats), Defense: biggest, HHS, Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, Attorney General.
The Cabinet Departments remind me of my home because in each room there is someone with a different vibe.
Civil Service System
those branches of public service concerned with all governmental administrative functions outside the armed services. the body of persons employed in these branches.
The Civil Service System is like working in a group with people you like and they care for you even outside of the project.
Department of Homeland Security
A cabinet division created in 2001 after 9/11 to combat terrorism and foreign immigration. Soon after its creation, Tom Ridge, its leader, had to deal with a serious problem. The department of homeland security is like an over protective mom.
Federal Bureaucracy
the thousands of federal government agencies and institutions that implement and administer federal laws and programs
The federal bureaucracy is that one harsh dad that makes sure that you are not doing anything illegal.
Federal Register
Created the federal register a government publication describing bureaucratic actions and detailing regulations proposed by agencies.
The federal register is similar to our house rules where everyone has to follow the rules so that it can be calm.
Government Corporations
a government agency that operates like a business corporation, created to secure greater freedom of action and flexibility for a particular program
The government corporations are important because that is low key how the gov can make some extra money.
G.I Bill
A law passed in 1944 that provided educational and other benefits for people who had served in the armed forces in World War II. Benefits are still available to persons honorably discharged from the armed forces.
The G.I bill is actually tragic because they do give way to much to many of them.
Government Corporations
a government agency that operates like a business corporation, created to secure greater freedom of action and flexibility for a particular program.
Government corporations are the shady way the government can make some money, like when people rent out rooms.
Great Depression
the longest and deepest setback the American economy has ever experienced . It began with the stock market crash on October 24, 1929, and did not end until the start of World War II
The Great Depression is my house when my parents do not get payed and there is no food in the house.
Great Society
President Lyndon Johnson’s broad array of programs designed to redress political, social, and economic inequality
The Great Society is something that little kids would imagine the world like how it should be.
Hatch Act
a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials, from engaging
The hatch act are similar to the cops to us because they keep everything in check.
The process of putting a law into practice through bureaucratic rules or spending. administrative discretion.
Implementation is when I slowly am getting out of be in the morning.
Independent executive agencies
Federal agencies not under the cabinet; congress authorizes them, defines their goals, and sets their powers; rules by commissions, boards, and panels; appointed by the president, approved by the senate.
The I.E.A is like the voice in my mind that keeps me going and gives me ideas to do better.
Independent regulatory commission
Independent agencies created by Congress, designed to regulate important aspects of the nation’s economy, largely beyond the reach of presidential control.
The Independent regulatory commission is similar to when I am budgeting the money and seeing what I can buy.
Interagency councils
working groups created to facilitate coordination of policy making and implementation across a host of governmental agencies
The Interagency councils are similar to the filters that you put in your coffee machine in order to get a nice and smooth coffee.
Iron triangles
a unique relationship between bureaucracy, congressmen, and lobbyists that results in the mutual benefit of all three of them.
The Iron Triangles are like a kid at school having different friends that he goes around with at school.
Issue networks
an alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a common cause or agenda in a way that influences government policy.
The Issue networks are like the people on social medias that want to spread their ideas and messages.
Max Weber
Invented classic conception of bureaucracy. Stressed it was a “rational” way for a modern society to conduct its business. Felt a bureaucracy depended upon certain elements, including a hierarchial authority structure, task specialization, and extensive rules, which allow similar cases to be handled in similar ways.
Max weber was a crazy old man like my grandma that wants to control things.
Merit System
the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections.
The merit system is like the pure way of how things should be done like having milk from the cow to table and not to get processed at a factory.
Granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support.
Patronage is like when you pick your friend to play with you when you are at elementary.
Pendleton Act
1883 law that created a Civil Service Commission and stated that federal employees could not be required to contribute to campaign funds nor be fired for political reasons.
The pendleton act really helped thoes poor people out that dont like to share their money with others like Mr. Crabs.
Policy coordinating committees
Prevents government employees from making political contributions or campaigning. implementation. Process by which a law or policy is put into operation. iron triangles. Cooperation among agencies, interest groups, and congressional committees that helps to regulate laws or policies.
The policy coordinating committees are like the PTA moms that want to control everything.
a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
The Regulations are similar to what my dad sets so that my sisters wont wonder out at night.
Rule Making
The efforts of departments and agencies to translate laws into specific bureaucratic routines. Rule Making. A quasi-legislative administrative process that produces regulations by government agencies.
The rule making is when you have to check these people because they are being messy, like a mother and a baby.
Sixteenth Amendment
The constitutional amendment adopted in 1913 that explicitly permitted Congress to levy an income tax
The 16th amendment was similar to the time when the government asked for even more money, oh wait they already did that.
Spoils system
A system of public employment in which selection and promotion depend on demonstrated performance rather than political patronage.
The spoils system is really how it be like, as Hispanics the family is an important part of our life.
World War I
A global military conflict that took place from 1914 to 1918 across Europe and its territories
The Word War I is like when its just me and my sister fighting, wild but semi controlled.
World War II
A global military conflict that took place from 1939-1945 in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific region.
The World War II is like when its me, my two sisters and my cat fighting, it gets out of hand most of the time.