Apetite Flashcards
What changes can stimulate control of thirst?
Body fluid osmolality increased
Blood volume is reduced
Blood pressure is reduced
What is the most potent stimulus for controlling thirst?
Plasma osmolality increase is the more potent stimulus – change of 2-3% induces strong desire to drink
Decrease of 10-15% in blood volume or arterial pressure is required to produce the same response
What hormone is used to regulate osmolality?
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin
Describe the mechanism by which ADH regulates osmolality
- ADH is stored in the posterior pituitary
- Acts on the kidneys to regulate the volume & osmolality of urine
(Collecting duct - Aquaporin 2 channel) - When plasma ADH is low a large volume of urine is excreted (water diuresis)
- When plasma ADH is high a small volume of urine is excreted (anti diuresis).
What type of receptors help regulate osmolality?
Sensory receptors
Found in the hypothalamus
Which regions in the hypothalamus are the osmoreceptors found?
Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT)
Subfornical Organ (SFO)
Describe the mechanism by which osmoreceptors lead to ADH release
- Cells shrink when plasma more concentrated
- Proportion of cation channels increases – membrane depolarizes
- Send signals to the ADH producing cells to increase ADH
- Fluid retention- Invokes drinking
How is the sensation of thirst relieved?
- Thirst is decreased by drinking even before sufficient water has been absorbed by the GI tract to correct plasma osmolality
- Receptors in mouth, pharynx, oesophagus are involved
- Relief of thirst sensation via these receptors is short lived
- Thirst is only completely satisfied once plasma osmolality is decreased or blood volume or arterial pressure corrected.
How are changes in blood pressure detected by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?
- BP decreases
- Detected by the Muacula densa which sends signals to the juxtaglomerular cells of renal afferent arteriole
- Releases renin
- Renin converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
- ACE enzyme (released from lung) converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II
- Angiotensin II stimualtes: Vasoconstriction, increase sympathetic activity, thirst, ADH secretion, aldosterone release (aldosterone released from the zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex- leads to H2O retention via Na+CL- absorption and K+ excretion
Describe the general central control of body weight
- in the Underfed state:
- “A reduction in fat mass increases food intake and reduces energy expenditure”
- decreased sympathetic NS activity
- Increased hunger - in the Overfed state:
- “Adipose tissue expansion reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure”
- Increased sympathetic NS activity
- Decreased hunger
What factors regulate appetite in the body?
- Gut hormones: Ghrelin, PYY and others
- Leptin
- Neural input from the periphery and other brain regions
(all act on the hypothalamus to regulate food intake and energy expenditure)
Describe the mechanism of action of Ghrelin
- Ghrelin is released from the stomach (it is an orexigenic hormone)
- Hypothalamus senses the circulating hormone/ concentration of hormone
- Information first received in the arcuate nucleus: Ghrelin stimulates the NPY/AGRP neurons found in the arcuate nucleus AND inhibit the POMC/CART neurons also found in the arcuate nucleus
- Info is then fed to the paraventricular nucleus
- PN feeds the info to the posterior pituitary
- STIMULATES appetite (increases feeding & reduces energy expenditure)
What are the features of the arcuate nucleus?
Brain area involved in the regulation of food intake
Incomplete blood brain barrier, allows access to peripheral hormones.
Integrates peripheral and central feeding signals
Two neuronal populations:
Stimulatory (NPY/AGRP neuron)
Inhibitory (POMC neuron)
Describe “The melanocortin system”
a.k.a the mechanism of action of leptin in the overfed state
- Leptin is released by adipocytes in white adipose tissue and enterocytes (circulates in plasma).
- Hypothalamus senses the circulating hormone/ concentration of hormone
- Information first received in the arcuate nucleus:
Leptin stimulates the POMC/CART neurons & promote processing of POMC to the mature hormone α-MSH
(Also inhibits the NPY/AGRP neurons) - This then binds to melanocortin- 4 receptor (MC4R) in the paraventricular nucleus
- SUPPRESSES appetite (decreased food intake & increased energy expenditure)
What CNS mutations can occur to affect appetite?
- No NPY or Agrp mutations associated with appetite in humans.
- POMC deficiency and MC4-R mutations cause morbid obesity.
Mutations not responsible for the prevalence of obesity - but useful to explain signaling.