AP World Unit 8 Flashcards
Cold War 8.1
The Cold war was considered a fight between the United States and the USSR (also known as the Soviet Union). The Cold War was centered around the rise of communism and the United States attempt to prevent the spread of communism and the USSR’s attempt to spread communism. Propaganda, militarism, and general violence were all tactics used in the Cold War.
LO1: The Cold war was a battle fought between the communist powers of the world and the democratic powers of the world. However, at the forefront was the United States and the USSR. The US and USSR were not fighting over territory or money rather they were fighting for general influence over the rest of the world.
Non-Aligned Movement 8.2
The Non-Aligned Movement was a group of small developing countries that had most likely just gained their independence that wanted to stay out of the Cold War. However, in order to have political/economic stability without the assistance of larger nations these small countries had to lean on each other. As a result of this the Non-Aligned Movement was formed. Although, the Non-Aligned movement had good intentions and helped some smaller nations, the nations apart of the movement did not always give each other 100% support and seemed to favor certain sides in particular wars.
LO2: Many nations were forced to side with the United States or the USSR once the Cold War began, however, this proved problematic to many smaller nations who couldn’t afford large amounts of conflict. This caused problems to arise.
Kwame Nkrumah 8.2/8.5
Kwame Nkrumah was the first leader of the independent state of Ghana. Nkrumah was known for promoting nationalism and Pan-Africanism, the idea that all African nations are aligned together through similar ideals and cultures. Although Nkrumah did many good things, some criticized him for running the country into debt and allowing corruption. After realizing his rule was in jeopardy he convinced his voters to change Ghana into a one-party state. Finally, in 1963, Nkrumah established the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Unfortunately, three years later a military coup invaded Ghana and overthrew Nkrumah from his rule.
LO2/LO6: As a result of the Cold War Nkrumah was able to join the non-aligned movement and help Ghana gain its footing as an independent nation. After gaining its independence, the country of Ghana was focused on nationalizing and creating a strong economy.
Proxy Wars (Korean War and Angolan Civil War) 8.3
The Proxy Wars consisted of two wars. The Korean War and the Angolan Civil War. The Korean War once the north invaded the south in an attempt to reunite the country. After world war two the country was divided at its peninsula. The north was aligned with the soviet union while the south was allied with the US and its allies. The United states along with the UN supported south Korea and aided it throughout the war. Similarly, the Soviet Union continued to send supplies and military weapons to the north. Finally, after around three years of fighting and four million casualties, the fighting stopped, resulting in the nations divided by a militarization zone. On the other hand, the Angolan Civil War occurred in the Southwest African state of Angola. Angola had finally gained its independence after 14 years of fighting for it however, independence did not come peacefully as multiple rival tribes were forced to live amongst each other within the state. Due to this a violent civil war broke out within the nation that lasted for around 27 years.
LO3:Both the United States and the Soviet Union fought to gain influence over the world during the cold war. As a result both the US and the USSR took it upon themselves to form alliances and “pick” sides in national conflicts. Examples of this can be seen in the proxy wars.
Communist Revolution in China 8.4:
After finally defeating the Japanese the civil war in China resumed. The ongoing war was between the Chinese nationalists and the Chinese communists. The Chinese communists led by Mao Zedong were able to finally defeat the nationalists after gaining popular support by redistributing land to peasants, opening schools and hospitals, and punishing soldiers who mistreated civilians. Shortly after the People’s Republic of China was created under Mao Zedong. Under Mao’s rule he established Chinese nationalism and implemented five year plans in an attempt to industrialize.
LO4: Communism in China was caused by the people’s support as peasants saw communism as an opportunity to finally earn some sort of equality/stability. However, the consequences of communism in China came with the form of re-education camps and the destruction/loss of Chinese culture and history.
Great Leap Forward 8.4:
The great leap forward was a land reform policy that was put in place in China under Mao Zedong. The policy organized all landowners or farmers into communes and made it so all land was owned by the government rather than being privately owned. Communes were supposed to meet certain harvest goals and support them back to the government. However, due to many communes lying about the quantity of food they were producing China experienced a mass food shortage which led to around 20 million people dying. The great leap forward was eventually abandoned in 1960.
LO4: The great leap forward was one of the consequences China experienced due to accepting communism. The policy hurt China much more that it helped and killed millions.
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence 8.4:
During world war two, Vietnam was occupied by Japan, however Vietnam was still a French colony. At the end of world war two, Vietnam fended off Japan and Vietnam and established their independence. Vietnam was an agricultural states filled with peasants who worked on farms. As an attempt to gain peasants support, potential communist rulers promised to seize land from the large landowners and distribute it between the peasants. This ultimately led the communists to gain the support of the peasants, thus establishing Vietnam as a communist state.
LO5: The communist supporters in Vietnam redistributed economic resources in order to gain the support of Vietnamese peasants. However, the effect of this redistribution was very violent as land forcefully being taken from wealthy landowners and given to peasants often was a messy process.
Decolonization 8.5:
After the end of the world wars many strong, influential European nations such as England and France had to focus on rebuilding and strengthening their economies. As a result, many of France and Britain’s colonies began to seek their independence and decolonize. Decolonization is the act or process of a state withdrawing from its original colony leaving it independent. Countries such as India, Ghana, and Vietnam all gained their independence after the end of world war two.
LO6: Countries such as India, Ghana, and Vietnam all gained their independence after the end of world war two as they were no longer bound to their European colonies.
Indian national Congress 8.5:
The India national conference is an organization that was initially formed in the 19th century by India’s elites. However, as time went on the group progressed into a what could be called a secondary government. In the 1920s, with their leader Mohandas Gandhi, the national congress encouraged nonviolent protests and the boycott of British goods which ultimately led India to gain its independence from Britain.
LO6: India had been secretly pursuing its independence for quite some time as there was support from the nation and the national congress. However, the perfect time was ultimately when Britain was at its weakest at the end of the world wars. Through boycotts and the celebration of Indian culture/nonviolent protests the Indians were finally able to secure their independence from the British.
Muslim League 8.5:
After India gained its independence there was some conflict between the Indian Hindus and Muslims. They were unable to agree on certain matters such as territories and government, thus there was conflict and violence. As a result, a group emerged called the Muslim League. The Muslim League advocated for a separate state for all Muslim Indians. Their wishes were eventually fulfilled as the Islamic state of Pakistan was created.
LO6: After India gained its independence there was still conflict within India to be resolved. Specifically, the conflict between Hindu and Muslim Indians. Due to religious conflict, the Muslim state of Pakistan was created to give Indian Muslims their own space and minimize religious conflict.
Partition of India 8.6:
The partition of India occurred after the state of India was split. The state of Pakistan was created for Muslims while the state of India remained the state for Hindus. However, the split resulted in millions of displaced people as well as the creation of Kashmir. Kashmir is a disputed territory that is located between India and Pakistan. India believed Kashmir was its territory as the ruler of Kashmir was Hindu, however, Pakistan believed that Kashmir rightfully belonged to them as the majority of Kashmir’s population was Muslim. Conflict between India and Pakistan emerged over the territory and is still occurring today.
LO7: The partition of India resulted in the creation of disputed territory known as Kashmir. Violence arose between Pakistan and India over the territory and resulted in thousands of deaths and great tensions between the nations.
Creation of Israel 8.6:
The state of Israel was created after the end of the world wars. The advocation for an all-Jewish state arose after the world learned of the atrocity that was the Holocaust (the intentional persecution of Jews). As a result, Zionists came together and decided that an all-Jewish state called Israel would be established in Palestine as that was where the Jews’ ancestors originated from. However, this proved problematic as the Jews came in and forcefully took Palestinian land. On top of that many Palestinians are Muslim which led to major religious conflict. Conflict over religion and territory has only escalated between the Israelites and Palestinians.
LO7: The conflict between the Israelites and the Palestinians over disputed territory has only escalated. Thi conflict has led to thousands of deaths as well as terrorist acts on both sides. As the conflict has gone on Israel has continued to take more and more of Palestine’s land.
Metropole 8.6:
A metropole is the parent state of a colony. An example of a Metropole is a city like London, a large city of the former colonial ruler. Metropoles are generally large cities and metropolitan areas. For example, New York is another example of a metropole.
LO8: Decolonization had a large impact on many European nations and large cities. Decolonization allowed for metropoles to form and allowed for the diversification of many developing western nations.
Mohandas Gandhi 8.7:
Mohandas Gandhi was one of the most influential leaders and members of the Indian National Congress. With his influence as a member of the congress, Gandhi was able to form boycotts and movements to help establish Indian independence. However, Gandhi was inarguably known for his nonviolent protests and tactics that were used later on in history (the civil rights movement).
LO9: Gandhi’s resistance movements were a result of India’s struggle for power with the British. Gandhi knew that the Indians would undoubtedly lose to the British in a potential war, so he took a different approach and opted for nonviolent protests and boycotts. These nonviolent movements eventually led India to gain its independence.
Martin Luther King Jr. 8.7:
Martin Luther King Jr. was arguably the most influential leader of the civil rights movement which took place in the 1950s and 60s. King was known for his nonviolent protests and moving speeches which helped to persuade court decisions such as Brown v the Board of Education Topeka as well as his nonviolent tactics such as the boycott of the Montgomery public buses and massive protests of over 250,000 people.
LO9: The struggle for equal rights was a huge issue in America during the 50s and 60s and still is today. King used this struggle to capitalize on social injustice and used nonviolent tactics to promote racial equality.
Nelson Mandela 8.7:
Nelson Mandela was known for leading nonviolent protests against apartheid in South Africa (the racial segregation of white and black people). Mandela is seen as a civil rights icon in South Africa and around the world.
LO9: The struggle for equal rights in South Africa occurred after laws of apartheid were set in place. As a result, civil rights leaders such as Nelson Mandela emerged who looked to end segreation.
Francisco Franco 8.7:
Fracisco Franco was a general and the leader of the nationalist forces that overthrew the Spanish democratic government in the Spanish civil war. Franco was the head of the government in Spain until 1973 and the head of the state until 1975 when he eventually passed away.
LO9: The struggle for power began in Spain when the ethnic group, the Bosque people, wanted to create their independence from the state of Spain. However, Spain was not ready to let them gain their independence. As a result, a civil war between the two groups emerged.
Shining path 8.7:
The shining path took place in Peru in the 1970s. It was led by Abimael Guzman, Guzman wanted to implement a communist government similar to that of Mao Zeddong’s in China in Peru. However, in 1980 the shining path began what would become decade of bombings and assassinations in Peru in an attempt to overthrew Peru’s existing government. The shining paths terrorism lasted for around 20 years and killed about 37,000 people. Guzman was eventually arrested and killed, but the shining paths acts of terrorism continued until one of the groups leaders finally admitted defeat in 2011.
LO9: The shining paths struggle to gain power in Peru everntally led to hundreds of terrible terrotist attack that killed thousands. The shining path wanted to make Peru a communist state.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 8.8:
The Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan led to the killing of 500,000 to 1 million Afghans. Those who did not die in the invasion fled to nearby Pakistan and Iran. The Soviet’s invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to prop up the communist government against Muslim fighters. However, the Soviets could not fend off the gurreilla groups in the tough Afghan terrain. The invasion of Afghanistan is said to mark the end of the cold war.
LO10: The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union is said to be the official end of the cold war.