AP PSYCH UNIT 5 Flashcards
What school in psychology turned the focus away from a study of consciousness?
BEhavior psychology- began to focus on observable behavior
Define consiousness
Our awareness of internal and external stimuli thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensory info.
What is parallel processing
OUr ability of the brain to simultaniously process different incoming stimulis
Who is Franz Anton Mesmer?
- A german psyican that pooularized hypnosis
What is hypnosis?
A cooperative interaction between hypnosis and subject.- Subjects respond toi the hypnotic suggestions. (subject is placed in a trance like state/mentally confused.)
What is age regressions
This is when a hypnotized patiant is instructed to recall a past even or regress into a earier age.
How does hynosis affect our memory?
-Hypnosis cant enhance recall of forgoten memories.
What is a posthypnotic suggestion
-suggestion carried out after the subject is no longer hypnotized.
What is the social influence theory of hypnosis?
Hypnotic subjects may be imaginative actors playing a social role.Ie (the idea that people are heavily influenced by the thoughts and actions of others.(no special physical conditions marks hypnosis as anything other than normal consciousness)
\What is divied-consciousness theory?
A Theory that states- hypnosis is a state of dissociated or split consciousness that allows some thoughts and behaviors to occur simultaneously with others.
In which stage of sleep do we spend the most time?
Most of our time is spent in stage 2 NREM
when does sleep talking occur? Sleepwalking?
What role does deep sleep play in our health and development?
-Helps the brain rest and recover, allowing it to replenish energy.
What is insomnia? What are successful treatments?
Insomnia- the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get enough sleep to function.
Usually treated with meds or processing relaxation, pleasant imager, and a regular routine. Getting up when can’t sleep
What are t physical effects of chronic sleep deprivation?
-Moodiness and irritability, impaired immune system, weight gain, susceptibility to diseases
Sleep apnea
-breathing interruption during sleep doesn’t wake the sufferer completely (Assoc. obesity) and Leads to high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
The overpowering urge to fall asleep that may occur during, while talking or standing up (lapses into rem)
-unpleasant dreams, which can be influenced by upsetting events, occurs during REM sleep
Night terrors
-usually occurs in early cycles of stage 3 sleep
-are more severe, racing heart, gasping for air
Explain the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming
-circuits in the brain are activated, the brain attempts to create meaning from these random signals.
Manifest content
-The apparent or literal meaning of the dream
Latent content
-The symbolic meanings that signify our hidden feelings and desires.
Annual cycles
Humans experience seasonal changes in appetite, sleep, and mood
24-Hour cycles
Varying levels of hormones and alertness throughout the day
90 minute sleep cycles
During sleep
How are our sleep and wakefulness patterns influenced by light?
Light decreases melatonin levels and increases alertness.
What is a hypnagogic state?
This state begins in stage 1. which includes (fanciful imagery, and feelings of falling and floating weightlessly.)
What happens when you stay up late some nights and not others
It would mess up ones circadian rhythms.
what states of sleep/wakefulness are associated with alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves?
Wakefulness and REM- beta
stage 1 - Alpha, theta
Stage 2- theta
Stage 3/4- Delta
What are the physiological changes present during REM sleep?
Dreaming, and hallucinations increased emotion
Rapid eye movements.
When is dreaming most prevalent?
Dreaming is most prevalent in the REM stage of sleep
What are some of the theories about the purpose of dreaming
Information processing theory - we process the day’s experiences and consolidate our memories
Cognitive development- we dream as a part of brain maturation and cognitive development
How do sleep patterns (in terms of time spent) change throughout our sleep
Stage 1- 5 to 10 min
Stage 2- 10 to 25 min
Stage 3- 20-40 min
REM- happens 90 mins after falling asleep 10m-1h
What is tolerance? What is the role of neuroadaptation?
Repeated exposure to a drug, lessens the drug’s effects Thus creating a tolerance.
Takes more to get the same feelings.
What are stimulants and what drugs fall int this category?
Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up the body’s functions.
Includes- caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine.
What are depressants and what drugs fall into this category?
Reduces neural activity and slows body functions
Includes barbituates, alcohol,, morphine/heroin(opiates)
What are hallucinogens ad what drugs fall into this category?
Distort perceptions and envoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input.
In addition to its properties, ecstasy has what other effects?
-alters transporters
- mimics serotonin-
excess serotonin becomes trapped in the synaptic cleft and leads to the overstimulation of the cell.
What are the effects of cocaine?
Agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, violence\
- Reduces fatiuge
What happens to an addict who is unable to keep taking his or her drug of choice
The would get withdrawal effects, a discomfort and distress in addition
Explain the difference between psychical and psychological dependence
Physical dependence- The need for the drug, psychical pain, cravings
Psychological dependence- negative emotions attached.