AP Notes 95-103 Flashcards
idea made to appear holy, sacred, very special and therefore above all law. any other ideas given the appearances of treason or blasphemy.
develops a comparison which is exceedingly unlikely but is nonetheless intellectually imaginative. a comparison turns into a conceit when the writer tries to make us admit a similarity between two things whose unlikeliness we are strongly conscience and for this reason conceits are often surprising.
if somebody gives you an argument to support his position it is called making a claim. different reasons are usually presented to prove why a certain point should be accepted as logical.
emotional discharge through which one can achieve a state of moral or spiritual renewal or achieve a state of liberation from anxiety and stress. used for emotional cleansing of characters
overused expression to the extent of losing its original meaning. may be used to predict actions or events which are predictable because of previous events
literary device used in argumentative writing where one acknowledges a point made by ones opponent. it allows for different opinions and approaches
Port manteau
device in which two or more words are joined together to coin a new word formed by blending parts of two or more words but it always refers to a single concept
the coinage of port manteau
involves in linking and blending of two or more words and the new word formed in the process shares the same meanings as the orgianl words. it is different from a compound word word in that it could have a completely different meaning from the words that it was coined from