AP HUMAN GEO UNIT 6 Flashcards
minimum number of people to support a business
maximum distance people would travel for services or goods
chain of interconnected cities mega
10 million people or more
20 million people or more
edge city
grows and develops its own economic core
community on the outside of the edge that acts suburb but is more rural
primate city
lead city in terms of size and influence
gravity model
predicts interaction of mobility between two places
burgees concentric model
-> zone of transition
-> working - class zone
-> residential zone
nuclei model
transportation changing with people having more cars + multiple CBDs in the city
galactic city model
city is post-indrustial and serviced based
latin american city model
share basic structures of concentric and sector model
distance from CBD increase, housing becomes less expensive
sub saharan african model
3 CBDs and reflects the influence of colonialism
southeast asia
port in th center with no CBDs and have commercial zones
basic things for a city to operate
(ex. public transportation, water systems, schools, etc)
higher infrastructure = higher quality life
free land / undeveloped land around urban areas
ethnic group convinced to sell their home at low price because they heard another ethnic group moving into the neighborhood
banks refuse loans who wants homes in certain urban areas
rebuilding of lower income neighborhoods -> middle class -> higher class
squatter settlements
residents areas that developed without legal claims to the land