AP HUMA GEO UNIT 2 Flashcards
arithmetic density
total population / total amount of land
how many people are living on each unit of land
physiological density
total population of land / total amount of arable land
how much food you need to produce to feed the population
agriculture density
amount of farmers / total amount of arable land
urban sprawl
spread of urban development from an urban area into undeveloped land near a city
carrying capacity
amount of people that can be supported by the environment without damaging it
sex ratio
number of males / number of females x 100
what happens if the population pyramid shows that people aren’t have that many kids anymore?
the population is growing at a slower rate
what are the meanings of population pyramids with a large base, large top, and box shape?
large base - growth rate
large top - low growth rate
box shape - close to replacement rate (not growing nor declining / more developed)
dependency ratio
percentage of people within a population who are either too young or too old to work and must therefore be supported by the labor of working adults within that population
higher the number is the greater the burden on the working population
of children of 0 - 14 + number of adults 65+ / working age population x 100
CBR (crude birth rate)
total number of births in a year for every 1000 people
CDR (crude death rate)
total numbers of deaths in a year for every 1000 people
NIR (natural rate of increase
high NIR - takes less times to double their population + less developed
pro - natalist policies
promotes families to have more children
includes benefits - free daycare, medicare, school, etc
what are the impacts of high dependency ratios?
- people not working
- not earning an income
- not paying taxes
working population face = higher taxes
what’s in stage one of the DTM?
birth rate - high (agriculture labor)
death rate - high
population change - very low