AP: CNS Neoplasms 1 & 2 Flashcards
What are trasncalvarial herniations?
Brain herniating out through defect (skull defect, traumatic, surgical).
What are three causes of communicating hydrocephalus (obstruction of CSF pathway in subarachnoid space)?
- Inflammation (meningitis)
- Haemorrhage (subarachnoid haemorrhage)
- Tumour within the subarachnoid space (meningeal carcinomatosis)
What are some causes of non-communicating hydrocephalus (obstruction to CSF pathways within ventricular system)?
- Congenital malformations.
- Inflammatory processes.
- Tumours.
- Haemorrhage.
What are common sites of obstruction in non-commouncating hydrocephalus?
- Foramen of Monro (interventricular foramen)
- Aqueduct of Sylvius (cerebral aqueduct)
- Exit foramina of the fourth ventricle
How is cerebral oedema classified?
- Vasogenic
- Cytotoxic
- Interstitial/hydrocephalic
What is vasogenic cerebral oedema?
Most common type - results from increased permeability of endothelium of the cerebral vasculature, which forms the blood brain barrier.
What is cytotoxic cerebral oedema?
- Excessive amounts of water entering one or more cellular populations (because of changes at cellular level).
- Results from injury impairing cellular capacity to maintain ionic haemostasis.
What is interstitial cerebral oedema?
- The accumulation of CSF in extracellular spaces and periventricular white matter.
- CSF collects in obstructed ventricles.
- Pressure increased, CSF forced across ependymal linings into extracellular glial tissue spaces.
How are CNS tumours classified?
- Primary neoplasm.
- Secondary or metastatic neoplasm.
- Pseudoneoplastic lesion.
What are the two different growth patterns considered in primary neoplasms?:
- _____ vs _____.
- _____ vs _____.
- Compression vs. infiltration.
- Diffuse vs. circumscribed gliomas.
What are the clinical effects of CNS neoplasms?
- Loss of function/neurological deficits
- Inappropriate excitation/seizures
- Raised ICP
What is the function of oligodendrocytes?
Make and maintain myelin
What were the 4 grades under the WHO grading scale?
WHO Grade 1:
- low proliferative potential
- potential for cure with resection
WHO Grade 2:
- tendency to progress with recurrence
- survival >5 years
WHO Grade 3:
- post operative adjuvant treatment
- survival 2-3 years
WHO Grade 4:
- malignant microscopy
- rapid pre- and post- evolution, fatal
Where are gliomas normally found across the lifespan?
Kids: brainstem, cerebellum and midbrain
Adults: cortex, spinal cord
What is an astrocytoma?
Diffuse astrocytoma = morphological and biological continuum ranging from well differentiated to highly anaplastic lesion.
What are 2 possible signs of Grade IV Astrocytoma (Glioblastoma)?
- Necrosis and/or
- Endothelial proliferation (piling up of cells in vascular tube).
What proportion of glioblastomas are primary/secondary, and what gene variations are they related to?
- Primary 90-95%, Older
- EGFR amp
- PTEN deletion
- Secondary 5-10%, Younger
- p53 mutation
- IDH mutation
What is glioblastoma multiforme? (5 points)
- White matter of hemispheres
- Variegated
- Haemorrhage
- Necrosis
- Thrombosed vessels

What is an independent prognostic factor for anaplastic gliomas and glioblastomas?
IDH1 and IDH2
- Where are they most often derived from?
- Desribe their growth pattern.
- Circumscribed: Y/N?
- Almost invariably derived from dura.
- Grow locally and tend to be circumscribed.
- Some will invade, but push the brain.
What are stereotypic features of meningioma?
Behaviour is highly variable
- Whorls
- Syncytial arrangements
- Nuclear pseudoinclusions
- Psammoma bodies
- Stromal calcification
What is a schwannoma/neurilemmoma?
Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour that classically involve the acoustic cranial nerve
What proportion of CNS tumours do metastases make up? Where do they commonly come from?
Lung, Breast, Melanoma, Renal, GIT
What is a pituitary adenoma?
- 10-15% intracranial neoplasms.
- Have a mass effect.
- Apoplexy, haemorrhage.
- Peptide production (GH, ACTH, Prolactin, TSH etc).
- Pituitary deficiencies.