AOS2 - Managing Employees Flashcards
What is Managing Employees?
The activities and tasks involved in getting the very best out of the employees who are working for you.
The Strategies for Managing Employees include:
• Motivation
• Training
• Performance
• Termination
• Wages & Conditions of Work
What are Worker Expectations?
- Paid
- Good terms and conditions
- Job security
- Develop their skills
- Enjoy their work
- Feel they are useful and helping achieve something meaningful
- Have pride in their business
What are Manager Expectations?
- That Employees will work hard
- That Employees are punctual and reliable
- That Employees are loyal
What are the benefits of having Motivated Employees?
Increase in productivity.
Increase in sales or better services being provided for customers
Competitive edge in its business environment
What is the relationship between Managing Employees and achieving Business Objectives?
Managing Employees is concerned with getting the best out of your employees, whereas business objectives are concerned with having a goal that the company is seeking to achieve.
The relationship is that if the employees are well managed, they can help achieve business objectives.
For example, Improve customer service skills =, long-lasting relationships with customer = More future sales = greater revenue = greater profits.
What is Motivation?
Motivation is the factors or practices that drive an employee’s desire to achieve objectives
Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs is a representation of human needs in the form of a pyramid. Each level of the hierarchy must be satisfied before moving onto the next level, which is then activated as a motivator. Once satisfied, it is no longer motivates an employee
How does Self-Actualisation relate to Managing Employees
Self-Actualisation refers the need to try to strive for self-improvement and experience growth. Examples of this include opportunities for Advancement, Promotion
How does Esteem relate to Managing Employees
Esteem refers to the need to gain acknowledgement and gratitude from their peers and senior managers. Examples of this include Recognition, Delegation, Empowerment
How does Social relate to Managing Employees?
The Social Level refers to the need to try to be part of the workplace culture and earn their acceptance. Examples of this are Teamwork and Social Activities such as staff functions
How does Safety relate to Managing Employees?
The Safety Level refers to the needs that are necessary for an individual to feel secure and comfortable. Examples of this include Pay, Safe Working Conditions, OH&S, Job Security, Insurance
How does Physiological relate to Managing Employees?
The Physiological Level refers to all the basic needs that an individual requires to live and breathe. Examples of this include Providing Employee with Job, Income
What is an Advantage and Disadvantage of Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs?
A: Allows employees to progress at their own pace through the levels, Exhibits an intuitive appeal which can be easily grasped and applied
D: Does not account for Cultural and Social between individuals
What is Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory?
Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory is a theory that focuses on the process of setting and attaining goals. It was noted that the setting of goals leads to increased effort, task focus and persistence of individuals.
What are the 5 Principles of Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory?
• Clarity – Clear information allows less room for error and individual interpretation.
• Challenging – People tend to exert more effort and try harder to attain more difficult goals. However, goals must be achievable and realistic.
• Commitment – Having an employee oblige to increase performance to achieve goal
• Performance Feedback – Feedback can help in conveying whether a task has been completed well or not
• Complexity – Task must be achievable and straightforward so employees feel able to complete them
What is an Advantage and Disadvantage of Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory?
A: Individually focused. Tailors for any individual and their aspirations based on skillset
D: Time Consuming (e.g. Sitting down with each individual to set goals)
Manager’s may
What is Lawrence and Nohria’s Four Drive Theory?
Lawrence and Nohria’s Four Drive Theory is a theory that identified four basic motivational needs that act to drive people
How does the Drive to Acquire relate to Managing Employees?
The Drive to Acquire relates to acquiring remuneration, but it could also be satisfied with high status positions or recognition of achievements.
How can a Manager satisfy the Drive to Acquire?
Generous remuneration packages for the employees as well as setting challenging tasks for employees
How does the Drive to Bond relate to Managing Employees?
The Drive to Bond relates to wanting to form long-term relationships within the business and to feel supported and included.
How can a Manager satisfy the Drive to Bond?
Placing employees in supportive teams to conduct their work. They could also organise Friday night drinks, team building activities to help employees to bond.
How does the Drive to Learn relate to Managing Employees?
The Drive to Learn relates to people’s desire to continually discover new things and increase their ability to comprehend the world around them.
How can a Manager satisfy the Drive to Learn?
Managers could satisfy this drive by sending employees off-site to attend a course to develop new skills or set challenging goals.
How does the Drive to Defend relate to Managing Employees?
The Drive to Defend relates to feeling the need to defend ourselves and those for whom we care. In a business, this could be linked to defending the company at large and their beliefs, defending employee’s position within the workplace or defending people in their department if criticised.
How can a Manager satisfy the Drive to Defend?
As this drive is not activated until there is a threat, managers could ensure that employees do not feel that their jobs are at risk, through positive feedback or meaningful performance evaluations.
What is an Advantage and Disadvantage of Lawrence and Nohria’s Four Drive Theory?
A: Allows Employees to progress at own pace in satisfying each drive
D: Time Consuming (e.g. Sitting down with each employee to determine drive)
Manager may not be able to identify the drives
Outline the Similarities and Differences of the Goal Setting Theory and the Hierarchy of Needs
S: Goal-setting could lead to Maslow’s esteem level being satisfied, through challenging yet realistic and achieveable goals
D: L&L’s theory is based on goal-setting
Maslow’s theory is based on satisfying needs one level at a time, therefore their fundamental approaches to improving motivation are quite different.
Outline the Similarities and Differences of the Goal Setting Theory and the Four Drive Theory
S: Setting goals and the motivation felt by the achievement of them can be linked to the drive to acquire (achievement)
D: L&L theory is a goal-setting theory.
L&N – Managers need to identify and satisfy the four drives, therefore their fundamental approaches to improving motivation are quite different.
Outline the Similarities and Differences of the Four Drive Theory and the Hierarchy of Needs
S: Both relate to satisfaction. E.g. In Maslow’s case, it is needs and in L&N’s case it is drives.
D: Maslow has five levels of need.
L&N has four drives.
Maslow- Employees must progress up through the levels one at a time.
L&N- It is possible to be working towards more than one drive at the same time.
What is a Motivational Strategy and why would a business implement one?
A Motivation Strategy is a specific action that a manager or a business takes to motivate employees.
Lift employee morale
Improve performance and productivity
Explain what Performance Related Pay is?
Performance Related Pay is a financial reward given to employees whose work has reached or exceeded a set standard. It may be in the form of a reward (bonus), salary increase, sales commission or profit-sharing.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Related Pay?
A: Objective Focused, Tangible way of recognising achievement, Increased Productivity
D: Expensive method of motivation, Generates a competitive culture, Money may not motivate people, Reduces Equality
What are the Short and Long Term Effects of Performance Related Pay?
Short term motivator due to immediate reward.
Unenjoyable work with money won’t be enough in long-term to motivate
What is Career Advancement?
Career Advancement is a strategy that involves promoting employees to positions that include more responsibility or authority.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Career Advancement?
A: Retains talented employees, Helps retain intellectual property, Personally focused, Sense of achievement/ responsibility
D: Demotivates overlooked employees, Feeling of unrest if the promotion is taken out in an inequitable manner, Small scale business’ = Limited opportunity
What are the Short and Long Term Effects of Career Advancement?
Short term - until they are given job or overlooked
Long term - demonstrate good work habits over an extended period of time before being considered for a promotion.
What is Investment in Training and some examples?
Investment in Training is the process of providing the employee with necessary skills and knowledge required to do a particular job.
e.g. taught new computer software, how to use a new piece of equipment.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Investment in Training?
A: Contribution to business is valued, Sense of Loyalty and Attachment, Positive Corporate Culture, Displays a willingness to form career advancement
D: Expensive, Dissatisfaction if opportunity to utilise skills is not present
What are the Short and Long Term Effects of Investment in Training?
Short term - boost in morale
Long term - loyalty due to belief in their ability
What is Support?
Support is assistance given to employees in the form of encouragement or direct recognition, in the hope of repeating good work
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Support?
A: Leads to more diligent work, Does not cost the business money, Employee feels valued, Instils a positive culture
D: Time consuming with benefits possibly taking longer than expected, Requires manager exercising good communication and interpersonal skills
What are the Short and Long Term Effects of Support?
short term - employee’s morale and confidence increases.
long term - willing to undertake more difficult tasks
Explain what a Sanction is?
A Sanction is imposing a penalty for undesirable behaviour. Sanctions can take the form of reprimand, disciplinary counselling or dismissal
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sanction?
A: Very power strategy for those motivated by fear, Leads to a rise in focus, Idea of missing out on promotions acts as a motivator
D: Employees don’t want to work harder, which decreases motivation, Builds negative fearful culture, Does not encourage mistakes - learn and develop business
What are the Short and Long Term Effects of Sanction?
short term - fast and direct form of motivating employees.
long term - feelings of fear and resentment will be implanted within the employees.
N.T. If a sanction is needed, follow with support or investment in training to get long term benefits
What is Training?
Training is the process of developing workplace
skills, knowledge,
attitude and behaviour to allow employees to do this job more efficiently and effectively.
What is the difference between On the Job Training and Off the Job Training?
On the Job consists of a mentor guiding a new staff member or specific training sessions AT the workplace. Off the Job requires the employees to attend a course or a training session at another venue.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of On the Job Training?
A: Reduced Cost, Learn skills directly related to business, Develops good relationships, Produce goods and services whilst training
D: Creates distractions with normal work, Unlikely to learn broader skills, Unlikely to develop networks with other businesses, Staff may not have required expertise to train new employees
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Off the Job Training?
A: Removes work distractions, Possible employee formal qualifications (Certificate IV), Develops employee morale, Broaden social networks & additional skills and knowledge
D: Expensive, Time consuming, May find difficulty integrating skills into workplace, Old practises vs new practises
What is Employee Engagement?
Employee Engagement is the commitment employees feel towards a business based on identifying with the
values, objectives and
the way the business operates.