Aortic arches, Branchial apparatus derivatives Flashcards
What does the 1st aortic arch give rise to?
Part of MAXillary artery (branch of ECA).
1st arch is MAXimal.
What does the Second aortic arch give rise to?
Stapedial and hyoid artery.
Second = Stapedial
What does the 3rd aortic arch give rise to?
Common Carotid and proximal part of internalCarotid.
C is 3rd letter of alphabet.
What does the 4th aortic arch give rise to?
Left: Aortic Arch
Right: Proximal part of right subclavian artery
(4th arch, 4 limbs –> systemic)
What does the 6th aortic arch give rise to?
Proximal part of pulmonary arteries
Left: ductus arteriosus.
Where does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve loop around?
Right subclavian artery
Where does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve get caught?
Crosses under the arch of the aorta at the point of the ductus arteriosus
What are the subdivisions of the branchial apparatus/pharyngeal apparatus?
Clefts/grooves - ectoderm
Arches - Mesoderm (muscles, arteries + neural crest (bones, cartilage)
Pouches - derived from endoderm
What is the topographic organization of the branchial apparatus?
CAP covers outside to inside.
Clefts are ectoderm - outermost layer
Arches are mesoderm - meaty middle layer.
Pouches are endoderm - Inner indentations
Where is the branchial/pharyngeal apparatus located?
Between primitive pharynx and primitive esophagus. 1st-4th = highest to lowest.
How many branchial clefts are there?
What does the 1st branchial cleft become?
external auditory meatus.
What do the 2nd-4th branchial clefts form?
Temporary cervical sinuses, obliterated by 2nd arch mesenchyme.
What happens if a branchial cleft failures to obliterate and leaves a cervical sinus?
Branchial cleft cyst within LATERAL neck.
What cartilaginous structures arise from the 1st branchial arch?
Meckel cartilage:
Mandible, Malleus (+incus), and spheno-Mandibular ligament
What muscles arise from the 1st branchial arch?
Muscles of Mastication.
(temporalis, Masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids), Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini.