Aortic arch + branchial apparatus derivatives Flashcards
p 558
1st aortic arch
Part of maxillary artery
2nd aortic arch
Stapedial artery, hyoid artery
3rd aortic arch
Common carotid artery; proximal part of ICA
4th aortic arch
Left: aortic arch
Right: proximal part of right subclavian artery
5th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Both sides: Proximal part of pulmonary arteries
Left only: ductus arteriosus
1st branchial cleft
External auditory meatus
2-4th branchial clefts
Temporary cervical sinuses (later obliterated)
1st branchial arch: cartilage?
Meckel cartilage: Mandible Malleus Incus Spheno-mandibular ligament
1st branchial arch: muscles?
MAST-MATT: Muscles of mastication: -temporalis -masseter -lateral pterygoid -medial pterygoid Myelohyoid Anterior belly of digastric Tensor tympani Tensor veli palatini
1st branchial arch: nerves?
CN V2 and V3
2nd branchial arch: cartilage?
Reichert cartilage: Stapes Styloid process Lesser horn of hyoid Stylohyoid ligament
2nd branchial arch: muscles?
Muscles of facial expression Stapedius Stylohyoid Platysma Posterior belly of digastric
2nd branchial arch: nerve?
CN 7
3rd branchial arch: cartilage?
Greater horn of hyoid
3rd branchial arch: muscle?
3rd branchial arch: nerve?
CN 9
4th-6th branchial arches: cartilage?
Thyroid Cricoid Arytenoids Corniculate Cuneiform
4th branchial arch: muscles?
Most pharyngeal constrictors
Levator veli palatini
4th branchial arch: nerve?
CN 10: superior laryngeal branch
5th branchial arch?
Which arches form posterior 1/3 of tongue?
3 + 4
6th branchial arch: muscles?
All intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid
6th branchial arch: nerve?
CN 10: recurrent laryngeal branch
1st branchial pouch?
Middle ear cavity
Eustachian tube
Mastoid air cells
2nd branchial pouch?
Epithelial lining of palatine tonsils
3rd branchial pouch?
Dorsal wings: inferior patathyroids
Ventral wings: thymus
4th branchial pouch?
Dorsal wings: superior parathyroids