AOR 2: Planning Flashcards
programmatic efficiency
success in using resources, both human and financial
programmatic effectiveness
success in achieving outcomes
formative evaluation
process of assessing the quality of a program during the planning and implementation process
Gagne’s theory of instruction
based on the information processing model of the mental events that occur when adults are presented with various stimuli and focus on the learning outcomes and how to arrange specific instructional events to achieve those outcomes.
CDCynergy Lite
based on best practice social marketing, principles, and assists in developing, implementing, and, evaluating an effective social marketing plan
multilevel approach to community health (MATCH)
a socio-ecological planning approach. intervention and planning should be aimed at multiple objectives and a variety of individuals
-assumes you already know the priority population
outcome evaluation
determine whether long-term program goals were met
impact evaluation
assess the immediate effect of an intervention
how to complete a process evaluation
document program implementation, feasibility, and gather feedback
select strategies and activities
administrative and policy assessment
determine the resources available for the program
educational and ecological assessment
determine predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors
epidemiological assessment
identify health problems of the priority population and determine and prioritize behavioral and environmental risk factors associated with the health problem
-factual data like mortality and morbidity rates
social assessment
define the quality of life of the priority population
-quality of life of the population
comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs
generalized model
assessing needs, setting goals and objectives, developing interventions, implementing interventions, and evaluating results