AO1 + AO3 paragraphs - Paper 1 Flashcards
Evaluate explanations of conformity (ISI)
:) RTS - Jenness - jellybeans in jar
:( RTS lacks ecological validity - artificial environment - reducing external validity
Evaluate explanations of conformity (NSI)
:) RTS - Asch - line a, b ,c similar in length to stimulus line
:( RTS gender bias - androcentric - reducing external validity
Discussion - ppts wrote answer down conformity dropped to
12.5% - desire to be like + avoid ridicule
Evaluate VAC (Task difficulty)
:) RTS - Lucas et al - ‘easy’ + ‘hard’ maths problems - ppts conformed when difficult - supports Asch’s research - task harder, conformity increases
:( More complex - high confidence, less conformity - shows individual factor - limits research
Evaluate VAC
:( Asch’s research - gender bias - androcentric - Neto (1995) more likely to conform - weakens external validity
:( Asch’s research - culture bias - America (western) different to collectivistic who are more likely to conform Bond and Smith (1996) - reduces external validity
Conformity to Social roles (Zimbardo)
:) High control of extraneous variables - randomly selected - behaviour due to role itself - accurately measure - increase internal validity
Discussion - exaggerated role 1/3 behaved brutally
others were fair / helped - overstated power of social
:( ethical issues - lack of informed consent - wasn’t told they would be arrested in their homes - no right to withdraw - had to go through a parole process with Zimbardo to leave - reduces credibility
Discussion - carried out debriefing sessions after, no
lasting affects.
:( Prone to demand characteristics - Zimbardo was superintendent - ppts paid to take part - lowering internal validity
Evaluate Situational variables affecting obedience
:) RTS- Bickman - confederate dress up as security guard, milkman, businessmen - ppts 2x more likely to follow instruction of security guard than business man - supporting power of uniform
:( Milgram’s research - gender bias - women 100% more likely to give shocks to a puppy, 52% of men Sheridan & King - weakens external validity
:( - alternative - dispositional factors - AP (internal) - weakens research as not sole explanation
Evaluate explanations for obedience
:) RTS - agentic state - Milgram’s obedience study - ppts asked “who is responsible if learner is harmed” - experimenter “I am” - ppts often continued - supports agentic state - ppts continued as no longer believed they were responsible
:) RTS - Holfing - nurses ordered to give lethal dose of patients by unknown doctor on phone - 21/22 agreed to do it - supports LOF doctor had more authority over nurses / AS doctor was ultimately responsible = obeyed
:( RTC- Mandel - German Nazi Soldiers obeyed orders to shoot polish town - beforehand, got given other duties - still did it - cannot blame AF
Evaluate dispositional explanation of obedience
:) Milgram & Elms - used Milgram’s previous ppts to complete F-sale questionnaire - higher levels of authoritarism on ppts who were obedient (got to 450v) than defiant - associated with obedience
Discussion - number of characteristics not typical with
study (not punished in childhood) AP is complexed and
not useful
:( Adorno et al - social desirability - exaggerated fascist views after WW2 - not measuring what should be - reduces internal validity
:( - alternative - situational factors - obedience increase with uniform - not strict parenting - not just due to AF - weakens research - not sole explanation
Evaluate explanation of resistance
:) RTS social support - Albrecht - 8-week programme to stop pregnant teens from smoking - gave them ‘buddy’ - less likely to smoke due to ‘buddy’ - useful intervention
:) RTS resisting pressure to obey - Milgram’s study - 2 confederates also in study - refuse to go on - ppts continuing drop to 10% - OG study 65%
Evaluate resistance of social influence (LOC)
:) RTS - Milgram & Elms - interview Milgram’s previous ppts - internal LOC = more likely to refuse - external LOC = within 65% - internal LOC more likely to resist obedience
:( RTC - Twenge - investigated LOC over 40-year-period - ppl more resistant = more external - if linked ppl would be more internal - not valid explanation
Evaluate minority influence
:) RTS consistency - Moscovici et al - 2 confederates with 5 ppts - state colour of slides - minority called blue slides green consistently - ppts gave same wrong answer 8% of time - minority called blue slides green inconsistently ppts gave same wrong answer 1% of time - consistency is important
:( Moscovici’s research - lacks mundane realism - unrealistic task of stating colour of slide - cannot generalise findings to important outcomes - minority are less influential in jury setting on deciding verdict - lowering external validity
:) RTS flexibility - Nemeth and Brilmayer (1987) - mock jury - decide amount of compensation on ski-lift incident - confederate put alternative point of view and did not change = no effect - confederate compromised = influence of rest - flexibility is important
Evaluate social change
Real life evidence to support - suffragette movement - consistency - same belief over all members “women should have equal rights” - dedication hunger strikes - flexible women allowed to vote at 30 (men 21) - society internalised idea - society’s attitudes, behaviours and laws changed
Evaluate duration of STM
:( Research lacks mundane realism - task is artificial - cannot generalise findings - lowers external validity
Discussion- we do try remember meaningless things
(phone numbers) = though artificial can be relevant
Evaluate coding of LTM
:) high control of extraneous variables - controlled setting (lab) - can establish cause and effect between IV (list of words) and DV (accurate recall) - increase internal validity
Evaluate capacity of STM
:) High reliability - controlled environment (lab) - can be repeated in same conditions - same standardised instructions, same digits - check consistent results
Evaluate duration of LTM
:) High mundane realism - assessed real life memories of individual’s old classmates - something done in everyday life (searching for old classmate on social media) - can generalise - increases external validity
:( Low control of extraneous variables - not controlled environment - how much contact ppts had on classmates was not controlled - cause and effect cannot be establish on IV (length of time passed) and DV (accurate recall of classmates) - reducing internal validity
Evaluate MSM of memory
:) RTS STM and LTM as separate unitary stores - Baddeley found similar sounding words mixed up in STM, similar meaning words mixed up in LTM - suggests STM codes acoustically, LTM codes semantically - supports MSM as shows STM and LTM are separate stores
:) RTS MSM is Clive Wearing case study - amnesia which cannot transfer info from STM to LTM - wife re-enters room after leaving secs before, greets her as if its been years -