Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
Discuss the pathophysiology and presentation of anxiety disorders
Pathological - when anxiety is autonomous, intense and exceeds patient tolerance, persistent >=6 months, impairs social functioning and results in avoidance or withdrawal Presentation - autonomic arousal - terror - loss of control - avoidance
List the most common anxiety disorders and risk factors
Most to least Common: - specific phobia - social phobia - PTSD - GAD - panic disorder - OCD Risk - family history - personal history - adverse childhood event - comorbid psychiatric disability
List the differential diagnosis for anxiety disorders
- Pheochromocytoma
- Hypethyrodisim
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia
- Anemia
- Cardiac arrhythmia
- Asthma
- Vestibular dysfunction
Discuss medications and treatment for anxiety
1st Line long term - SSRI Paroxetine - SNRI: Venlafaxine (except OCD) - follow up in 1-2 weeks 1st Line short term - Benzodiazepine (except OCD): diazepam (Valium), clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan) 2nd line - TCA or MAOI 3rd Line - Atypical antipsychotics Psychosocial - all get CBT
Discuss the diagnostic criteria and treatment for specific phobia
- marked fear about specific object or situation >=6 months
- phobic object always provokes immediate fear or anxiety
- phobic object is actively avoided or endured with intense fear
- fear is out of proportion
- cause distress and impair functioning
- no other disorder
Treatment - CBT with exposure therapy best
Discuss the diagnostic criteria and treatment for social phobia
- marked fear about social situation where exposed to scrutiny for >=6 months
- fear symptoms at thought of being negatively evaluated by others
- social situation always provokes fear
- social situation is avoided or endured with intense fear
- fear is out of proportion
- cause distress or impair functioning
- no other disorder
Treatment - CBT most effective
Discuss the diagnostic criteria and treatment for generalized anxiety disorder
- excessive and uncontrollable anxiety and worry >=6 months about number of events
- anxiety and worry associated with >=3 symptoms
- restlessness
- easily fatigued
- difficulty concentrating
- irritability
- muscle tension
- sleep disturbance - cause distress and impair functioning
- no other disorder
Treatment - CBT most effective
Discuss the diagnostic criteria and treatment for panic disorder
- panic disorder is anticipatory anxiety in response to recurrent and unexpected panic attacks
- panic attacks are acute and last 10 minutes where anxiety attacks are slow and last hours
Diagnosis - > 1 panic attack of intense fear that peaks within minutes with >=4 of the following
- derealization or depersonalization
- fear of losing control
- fear of dying
- sweating
- chills
- paresthesia
- trembling
- lightheadedness
- feeling of choking
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- palpitation
- nausea - panic attack following by >=1 month of >=1 of the following
- persistent concern or worry about additional panic attacks
- significant maladaptive change such as avoidance - no other causes
Treatment - CBT
List the differential for panic attacs
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Hypoxia
- Endocrine
- Embolism
- Pheochromocytoma
- Arrthymia
- Anemia
- Neoplasm
- Intoxication
- Carcinoid
Discuss the diagnostic criteria and treatment for agoraphobia
- marked fear or anxiety about >=2 of the following
- using public transport
- being in open spaces
- being in enclosed spaces
- standing in line or being in crowd
- being outside of home alone - patient fears these situations because escape is difficult or help might not be available
- situation always provokes fear
- situation is actively avoided
- anxiety is out of proportion
- persistant >=6 months
- cause distress and impair function
- clearly excessive
- no other disorder
Discuss the differences with anxiety in the elderly
- anxiety is less common in the elderly and if elderly person presents with anxiety it is depression until proven otherwise
Treatment - 1st line is SSRI Escitalopram or Sertaline
Discuss anxiety in pregnancy
- usually does not occur as hormones decrease anxiety
- perinatal have increased risk of OCD or GAD
Risks to fetus - neurodevelopmental disorder
- pre-term labour
- low birth weight
- low APGAR scores
Treatment - CBT is first line
- monotherapy of SSRI: fluoxetine or Sertraline (cannot use Paroxetine in 1st trimester)
Differentiate between obsessions and compulsions
- recurrent and persistant anxiety-provoking thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and unwanted
- commonly involve contamination, harm, somatic, religious or sexual
- repetitive behaviours or mental acts that individual feels driven to perform in response to obsession or rigidly applied rules
- done to decrease anxiety
- done excessively and not connected in realistic way with desired neutralizing event
List the common comorbidities with OCD
Depression Body TAASTE
- Depression
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- trichotillomania (hair pulling)
- anxiety
- autism
- Schizophrenia
- Tourette’s
- Eating disorder
List the diagnostic criteria and treatment for OCD
- presence of obsession and/or compulsions
- spend >=1 hour per day on obsession or compulsion or cause distress or impairement
- no other disorder
Treatment - CBT with exposure response prevention
- 1st line medication SSRI: fluoxetine and sertaline and require higher dosage
- possible neurosurgery if refractory