The apprehension over an ANTICIPATED problem
The reaction to IMMEDIATE danger
Fear - “flight or flight”
The abrupt experience of INTENSE FEAR
Panic Attacks - palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, labored breathing, etc.
Most common Psychiatric Disorder
Anxiety Disorders - Phobias are the most common
General Criteria of Anxiety Disorders
- Must interfere with functioning w/ distress
- Not caused by a drug or a medical condition
- Distinct from another Anxiety Disorders
Marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by SPECIFIC OBJECTS or situations
Specific Phobia
Persistent, unrealistically intense fear of SOCIAL SITUATIONS
Social Anxiety Disorder
Recurrent, uncued PANIC ATTACKS
Panic Disorder
This is a SUDDEN ATTACK of intense apprehension, terror, and feelings of impending doom, accompanied by at least 4 other symptoms
Panic Attack
Anxiety about situations that are difficult to escape from, such as Trains, Bridges, or Long Road Trips. Symptoms last at least 6 months
Refers to the cognitive tendency to chew on a problem and to be unable to let go
Accompanied by intense worrying, worrying about basically everything
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
They are at TWICE AS LIKELY to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
Women, lol
Genes may ELEVATE risk for several different types of anxiety disorder
Twin Studies
- 20-40% Spec. Phobia, SAD, GAD and PTSD
- About 50% for panic disorder
Fear circuit activity in the BRAIN
- Amygdala - Active
2. Medial Prefrontal Cortex - Less Active
- Serotonin, GABA - Poor Functioning
2. Norepinephrine - higher than normal
Role playing or small group or small group interaction
Reducing safety behaviors
Social Skills Training
Real Life exposure
In Vivo Exposure
Exposure to SOMATIC SENSATIONS associated with panic attack in a safe setting
Panic Control Therapy
Psychological treatment for AGORAPHOBIA
Systematic exposure to feared situations
Psychological treatment for GAD
- Relaxation training
2. Cognitive Behavioral Methods