Anxiety D/O Flashcards
Fear is awareness of danger or an immediate threat. It is the emotional and physiological response to this threat while Anxiety is ____ ____ or anticipation of a future threat
worrying about
What delineates a disorder for anxiety is the _______, _______, ______ and ________ as well as how it impacts a pts _____ and _______ functioning
frequency, duration, intensity, and timing
social and professional functiong
In classical conditioning the ________ comes first while in operant conditioning ________ comes first
Classical conditioning is [Active/Passive] learning
Operant conditioning is [Active/Passive] learning
Separation d/o affects __% of children and ___-___% of adults
4% children
1-2% adults
Children need _____ weeks of sx before they can be dx with separation d/o and adults need _____.
Tx is usually _____ but drugs such as ____ and ____ have been shown to be helpful w/ therapy
4 weeks, 6 mo
Generalized anxiety D/O usually affects [males/females] < ____y/o. They worry excessively about life circumstances. This is generally a chronic d/o that fluctuates in severity with _____ and ______ being common comorbidities
females <30 y/o]
major depression and substance abuse
For a child: in addition to anxiety and worry, there only needs to be (#) ____ of the additional sx to make a dx of GAD
In an adult there needs to be (#) ____ of the additional sx
1 in children; 3 in adults
These sx are
- restlessness/feeling keyed up or on edge
- easily fatigues
- difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- irritable
- muscle tension
- sleep disturbance
GAD tx
CBT is the mainstay for therapeutic tx; Combined therapy and medication work best
Pure behavior therapies: relaxation training, re-breathing exercises, meditation
Social Anxiety d/o usually begins during adolescence, before ____y/o
There is fear of _______ in social settings, being observed by others
It tends to develop _____, is [chronic/acute], and is usually not clearly linked to a precipitating event and does not subside with age
25 y/o
slowly, chronic
____% of pts w/ SAD will develop a substance use d/o
_____% will meet criteria for another psychiatric d/o (depression)
~12.5% [1/8]
~ 50
Specific phobias tend to begin in childhood, < ___ y/o
Must last at least ___mo (not transient)
Irrational, excessive fear objects, places, situations that are well circumscribed
12 y/o
6 mo
Specific phobias tends to ↓ intensity/subside as one ages
Tx for SAD
Meds: fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline (SSRIs) and venlafaxine (SSNRI). MAOIs and BZDs also effective but first-line med have better side effect profiles
β-Blocker: effective short-term tx of performance anxiety, not effective for SAD
Tx for specific phobias and SAD
Behavior therapy including exposure and flooding therapy has been shown to be very effective