Anxiety and phobic disorders Flashcards
Name five autonomic symptoms of anxiety?
- Headaches
- Chest tightness; dyspnoea
- Tachycardia; palpitations
- Perspiration
- Dizziness
- Insomnia; restlessness
- Loss of appetite; abdominal pain
- Muscle ache
Describe the Yerkes-Dodson law

Request four investigations to exclude organic causes of anxiety
- Metabolic profile
- Thyroid function tests
- Urinalysis; CXR: exclude delirium sources
- Urine drug screen
How can the common neuroses (mental illness associated with stress without psychosis) be categorised?
- Anxiety and phobic disorders
- Stress-related disorders
List five types of anxiety/phobic disorders
- Panic disorder
- Agoraphobia
- Generalised anxiety disorder
- Specific phobias
- Social phobia
- Hypochondriasis
List three cognitive symptoms of anxiety disorders?
- Fear of dying
- Fear of losing control
- Catastrophising
- Anticipatory anxiety
- Presence of obsessive thoughts
What differentiates social phobia, generalised anxiety, and agoraphobia?
- Social phobia: anxiety amongst crowds/groups of people
- Agoraphobia: anxiety amongst places and situations
- Can occur in the absence of people
- GAD: persistent anxiety not restricted to a particular place
What co-morbidities occur frequently alongside neuroses (stress-related mental illness without psychosis)?
- Other neuroses
- Depression
- Substance misuse
- Personality disorder
Describe the concept of specific phobias
- Recurring, excessive, and unreasonable
- Psychological or autonomic symptoms of anxiety
- In the presence of a specific object or situation
- Leading to avoidance
Name three common types of specific phobia?
- Animals
- Storms
- Heights
- Illness; Injury
- Death
Describe the concept of social anxiety disorder
- Symptoms of incapacitating anxiety
- Restricted to particular social situations
- Strong desire for avoidance
- Associated with fear of criticism; low self esteem
What management options are available for specific phobia and social anxiety disorder?
- Psychotherapy
- Social anxiety: CBT (Clark and Wells model)
- Specific phobia:
- Systemic desensitisation
- Exposure therapy
- Flooding
Outline the DSM-5 criteria for generalised anxiety disorder
- At least 6-months of:
- Excessive, uncontrollable worry about everyday issues
- Disproportionate to inherent risk
- Causes distress or impairment
- Worry not confined to other mental disorders; substance abuse; or organic conditions
- 3+ of the following symptoms most of the time:
- Restlessness; nervousness
- Easily fatigued
- Poor concentration
- Irritibility
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance
Outline the management options for generalised anxiety disorder
Stepped-care model
- Education; active monitoring
- Self-help; psychoeducational groups
- CBT or applied relaxation; SSRI or SNRI
- Specialist input; crisis services; inpatient care
Outline the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for agoraphobia
- Marked disproportionate fear when confronted with 2+:
- Open spaces; public transport; crowded areas
- Immediate anxiety response on exposure to phobic stimulus
- Recognition of fear as disproportionate
- Avoidance behaviours; distress or anticipatory anxiety
- Significantly disrupts quality of life
- Symptoms for 6+ months
- Not due to other mental/organic disorder; substance abuse
How can the severity of anxiety in Agoraphobia be assessed?
Presence of physiological symptoms of anxiety:
- Dry mouth
- Shaking, sweating
- Light-headedness
- Nausea
- Dyspnoea; chest pain; muscle tension
What management options exist for agoraphobia?
- Psychoeducation
- Psychotherapy:
- Exposure techniques
- Relaxation training CBT (Graded exposure)
- Medication:
- Antidepressants: SSRIs 1st line for 12-18 months
- Short term anxiolytics such as diazepam
What is a panic attack?
Period of intense fear, in absence of threat or cause:
- 4+ symptoms:
- Dyspnoea
- Palpitations
- Shakiness
- Nausea
- Hot or cold fulshes
- Dizziness
- Fear of dying
- Rapid onset with 20-30min duration
Outline the emergency treatment of an acute panic attack
- Maintain a reassuring and calm attitude
- If symptoms are severe and distressing: consider BDZs
- Exclude organic causes if first presentation
- Recurrent: consider panic disorder and manage accordingly
What is panic disorder?
- Recurrent panic attacks
- Not secondary to any particular situation
- Therefore unpredictable
- Secondary fears of dying result in presentation to A+E
Name two common comorbidities of panic disorder
- Agoraphobia (30-50%)
- Depressive disorder
- Other anxiety disorders
- Substance misuse
Outline the long-term management of panic disorder
Stepwise treatment:
- Education; active monitoring
- Individual self-help; support groups
- Referral to specialist mental health services
- Specialist management
Give three poor prognostic factors for panic disorder
- Very severe initial symptoms
- Marked agoraphobia
- Low socioeconomic status
- Long duration of symptoms
- Restricted social networks
- Personality disorder