anxiety and ocd Flashcards
what is anxiety?
a universal experience that consists of feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, or dread to an unknown threat
“fight or flight”
what is the difference between fear and anxiety?
fear is the reaction to a specific danger, where as anxiety is apprehension,
uncertainty, or dread
from real or
perceived threat
what is the etiology of anxiety?
-neurobiology (serotonin, GABA)
-psychological factors(harsh parents, ACE, abuse, disapproval)
-cultural considerations
-enviornmental factors (caffeine, or stressful event)
what are some cultural considerations for anxiety disorder?
-express through somatic symptoms
e.g. LA and norther europeans involve sensation of choking, smothering, numbness and fear of death
what are the four different levels of anxiety?
what are the s/s of mild anxiety?
occurs in the normal experience of everyday living
-heightened perceptual field
-observations are sharper
-ABLE to work effectively
-slight discomfort
-attention seeking behaviors
-easily startled
-MILD tension relieving activity
-aware of their anxiety
s/s of moderate anxiety
-SNS symptoms
-may experience tension, a pounding heart, tachy, and mild somatic symptoms
- voice tremors, poor concentration
-narrowed preceptual field
-less able to pay attention
-less able to solve problems
s/s of severe anxiety
-distorted perceptual field
-can’t problem solve
-dazed or confused
-behavior is aimed at reducing anxiety
-feeling of dreas
-purposeless activity
-more intense somatic
-loud and rapid speech
s/s of panic
-unable to process environment
-focus is lost
-completely unable to process what is happening
-disorganized or irrational
-immobility or hyperactivity
-inability to speak or speak clearly
-somatic complaints increase
-severe withdrawal
-hallucinations or delusions
-out of touch with reality
what are some defense mechanisms against anxiety?
-reaction formation
what are adaptive defense mechanisms?
those that are beneficial and productive behaviors
e.g. problem solving, talking, crying, sleeping, exercising, etc
what are maladaptive defense mechanisms?
behaviors that are NOT beneficial or productive
e.g. blaming, negative self talk, obsessive behaviors, agression, excessive eating, drinking, spending, etc.
what commonly differentiates adaptive from maladaptive?
their frequency, intensity, and duration of use
how do we treat mild-moderate anxiety?
a lot of talking to determine cause and level of anxiety
-provide a calm presence
-explore behaviors to alleviate anxiety
how to treat severe/panic anxiety?
-assess risk for suicide
-provide a low stimulating environment
-ALWAYS stay with the person
-assess need for medication
what are the 10 anxiety orders?
- Generalized (GAD)
- Separation
- Social (SAD)
- Phobias
- Panic Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic
- Hoarding
- Trichotillomania
- Excoriation Disorder
what do all anxiety disorders have in common?
they all experience excessive irrational fear and dread
describe separation anxiety
a normal part of development in an infant and should decline after 18 months
becomes a problem when adults or older children expereince this
describe GAD
-excessive and persistent worry for MORE THAN 6 MONTHS
-aware that they are being irrational
-accompanied with some somatic symptoms
r/f of GAD
-unresolved conflict
-cognitive misinterpretations
-life stressors
-behavioral inhibition
what are some comorbididties of GAD?
-MDD or other anxiety disorders
-one concurrent psychiatric diagnosis