Anxieties Flashcards
What is the prevalence of OCD?
What is an important factor in maintaining OCD symptoms?
Relief of anxiety
What are poor prognostic factors for OCD?
- symptoms involving the need for symmetry and exactness
- presence of hopelessness and hallucinations
- family history of OCD
- continuous, episodic course
What are good prognostic factors for OCD?
Predominance of phobic ruminative ideas in the absence of compulsions
What is the most common and prevalent obsession?
Fear of contamination
What is the most common and prevalent compulsion?
What is the least prevalent obsession?
Sexual or aggressive thoughts
What is the least prevalent compulsion?
What are the common biochemical changes identified in patients with PTSD?
Lower basal cortisol level and elevated levels of corticotrophin releasing hormone
Prevalence of GAD?
Number of people suffering from mixed anxiety and depression at any given time in the UK?
9 in 100
Does YBOCS rate obsessive personality traits?
What can increase the placebo effect in anxious patients?
Capsules instead of tablets
Highest prevalence anxiety disorder according to NPMS?
Mixed anxiety and depression
Highest prevalence anxiety disoder according to ECA and NCS?
ECA was community based survey carried out in the USA using using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule
Phobia (12.5%)
Mean age for GAD diagnosis?
30 (“vague”)
Mean age for agoraphobia diagnosis?
25 (“shelter”
Mean age for OCD diagnosis?
20 (“sex, violence, religion)
Mean age for social phobia diagnosis?
15 (“people”)
Mean age for specific phobia diagnosis?
10 (“natural events”)
M:F ratio OCD
Which area of the brain has been implicated in OCD?
Hypometabolism of basal ganglia stuctures
Hypermetabolism in the orbitofrontal gyrus
What are the OCD spectrum disorders?
- Somatic preoccupation - BDD, hypochondriasis or anorexia
- Neurological disorders - Tourettes, Sydenhams and ASD
- Impulse control disorders - paraphilias, kleptomania, pathological gambling
whats the treatmen for OCD?
mild to moderate severity:
- Self help
- CBT with ERP
- SSRIs+/- CBT
- SSRIs +/- CBT
- For non-responders switch to a different SSRI or Clomipramine
- Antispychotic augmentation after 3 month trial of maximum dose of SSRI
Whats the NNT for OCD with SSRIs?