Antithrombotic drugs details Flashcards
Heparin MOA
Binds Antithrombin III and accelerates its activity> inactivates IIa and Xa of intrinsic pathway.
Heparin pharmacokinetics
rapid onset, parenteral (IV, SC) only, cleared by reticuloendothelial system
heparin monitoring lab tst
Heparin Uses
Acute coronary syndrome, venous thromboembolism
Heparin adverse rxns + treatment of overdose
Bleeding, thrombocytopenia, narrow therapeutic index, safe in pregnancy. Overdose treated with protamine
Heparin drug-drug interactions
NSAIDS increase bleeding risk, antiplatelet agents
Heparin advantages and disadvantages
More rapid response than LMWH and completely reversed by protamine
LMWH examples
Binds ATIII > inactivates Xa (but NOT IIa)
LMWH pharmacokinetics
3-5hr onset if SC, parenteral (IV or SC), renal clearance
LMWH monitoring lab test
Not needed, action is predictable
Acute coronary syndrome, venous thromboembolism
LMWH adverse rxns + treatment of overdose
Bleeding, thrombocytopenia, narrow therapeutic index, safe in pregnancy. Overdose treated with protamine (incomplete though)
LMWH drug-drug interactions
NSAIDS increase bleeding risk, antiplatelet agents also increase bleeding tendencies
LMWH advantages and disadvantages
Equal efficacy as heparin for VTE with less tendency for bleeding complications and less effect on platelets.
Warfarin MOA
Inhibits liver synthesis of Vit K-dep factors (II, VII, IX, and X)
Warfarin monitoring lab test
Warfarin pharmacokinetics
Delayed onset(due to turnover of existing clotting factors), oral administration, hepatic metabolism, NOT safe in pregnancy
Warfarin Uses
Atrial fibrillation, Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
Warfarin adverse rxns + treatment of overdose
Bleeding, skin necrosis, narrow therapeutic index. Overdose treated with Phytonadione (Vit K) FFP
Warfarin drug-drug interactions
CYP450 inhibitors and antibiotics increase effect. CYP450 inducers and dietary Vitamin K decrease effect
Warfarin advantages and disadvantages
In atrial fibrillation: advantages include once daily dosing, reversal of effects with vitamin K. Disadvantages include variability in dosage requirements, dietary attention to Vit K, INR monitoring, drug interactions
Dabigatran MOA
Direct thrombin (IIa) inhibitor
Dabigatran monitoring lab test
Not routinely monitored