Antipsychotic Medications Flashcards
What do antipsychotic medications do?
effect of blocking dopamine transmission in the brain by blocking D2 receptors.
What do antipsychotic medication cause undesirable side effects?
antidopamine effects are not specific to the tracts associated with schizophrenia but instead travel to all dopamine receptor sites throughout the brain.
Name all the typical (1st Gen) antipsychotic medications.
generic and Trade name
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Haloperidol (Haldol)
Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
What might you give a patient who is acutely ill with their first episode of schizophrenia?
Any antipsychotic medication EXCEPT for:
- clozapine
- olazapine
How long does it take for an antipsychotic medication to work? How long should the trial last?
Takes 1 to 2 weeks for the medication to work.
Trial should last 6 to 12 weeks before considering a change in drug prescription
When should clozapine be prescribe to a patient?
When no other 2nd generation drug works
Under what circumstances can antipsychotic meds be discontinued?
- Agranulocytosis
- Tardive dyskenisia (sometimes)
How should antipsychotics be discontinued, other than in circumstances of a medical emergency?
doses should be gradually lowered over time because this diminishes the likely hood of withdrawal symptoms (dyskinesia and withdrawal psychosis)
Name all the early and late extrapyramidal side effects that may occur with the use of antipsychotics
- Parkinsonism or pseudoparkinsonism
- Acute dystonia
- Akathisia
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Tardive akathisia
- Tardive dystonia
What is parkinsonism (pseudoparkinsonism)?
mask-like face
resting tremor
How to treat parkinsonism (pseudoparkinsonism)?
- reduce dosage
* increase dopamine activity - adding anticholinergic like benzotropine (Cogentin) or trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
* decrease acetylcholine activity
What is a dystonic reaction? What are the two things that occur?
muscles tense and body contorts.
- oculogyric crisis (eye muscles movements tense pulling eyeballs towards ceiling)
- torticollis (neck muscles pull head to the side) “i was waiting for you at the door!”
- retrocollis (pulls neck muscles back)
Who are more vulnerable to dystonic rxns and how must we treat them?
young men are most vulnerable
must be treated:
- 1 to 2 mg of benztropine (Cogentin)
- Or 25 to 50 mg of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) IM or IV
- daily admin of anticholinergics
- maybe decrease antipsycho meds
What is akathisia? How is it treated?
patients feel restless, uncomfortable and feel driven to keep moving
- beta blocker like 20 to 120 mg propranolol
Failure to treat akathisia may lead to what?
patient ceasing to take antipsychotic medications