Antihyperlipidemics Flashcards
Dietary management of hyperlipidemia
- decrease cholesterol and saturated fat
- eat oily fish twice a week
- foods rich in a-linolenic acid
- increase soluble fiber intake
- fish oil supplements
Optimal LDL
High LDL
Near optimal LDL
Borderline high LDL
very high LDL
> 190
optimal cholesterol
borderline high cholesterol
high cholesterol
> 240
High HDL
> 60
Goal triglycerides
30 > LDL
HMG-CoA reductase inhbitors
PPARa Activators
fibric acid derivatives
bile acid binding resins
nicotinic acid
cholesterol absorption inhibitor
Atorvastatin CYP
Rate limiting step for cholesterol synthesis
HMG CoA reductase
Statins MOA (3)
- increase LDL receptors
- enhance clearance o LDL precursors (VLDL, IDL)
- decrease VLDL
Statins and LDL
lower 20-60% depending on dose
Statins and triglycerides
decreased 20%
Statins and HDL
increase 5-10%
first line therapy for hypercholesterolemia
statins PK
- oral, PM
- extensive first pass metabolism
- half life 3-20 hours
- extorted by liver into bile
statins adverse effects
- GI irritation
- HA
- rash
- hepatoxicity
- myopathy
DDI statins
CYP3A3/2C9: vibrates, digoxin, warfarin, macrolides
What statin avoids P450 interactions?
CI statins
liver disease
MOA fabric acid derivatives
- agonist at peroxisome proliferation actcitvated receptor a
activation of PPAR-a
- increase proteins that oxidize FA
- increase proteins that breakdown VLDL
- reduce ApoCIII (enhance VLDL clearance)
- stimulate ApoAI/II (increase HDL)
fibrates triglycerides
lower 40-55%
fibrates HDL
increase 10-25%
fibrates and LDL
variable effects
fibrates uses
- type III hyperlipoproteinemia
- severe hypertriglyceridemia
- hypertriglyceridemia with low HDL
PK of fibrates
- absorbed rapidly (>90%)
- half life 1-20 hours
- excreted as glucuronides
DDI fibrates
- oral anticoag enhanced
- with statins: myositis, myopathy
ADE fibrates
- GI disturbances (N/D,ab pain)
- rash
- urticaria
- hair loss
- myalgia
- fatigue
- HA
precaution and CI fibrates
renal and hepatic failure
Bile acid resin MOA
- bind bile acids and prevent reabsorption
- increased breakdown of cholesterol
- increase LDL receptors
Bile acid resin LDL
lower 10-20%
bile acid resin HDL
raise 5%
bile acid resins VLDL
no effect
bile acid resins uses
with statins for familial or primary hypercholesterolemia
PK bile acid resins
not absorbed from GI tract
DDI bile acid resins
bind many drugs and interfere with their absorption (take other meds 1 hour before or 3-4 hours after)
ADE bile acid resins
- bloating
- dyspepsia
- constipation
- mild steatorrhea
- compliance big issue
MOA niacin in adipose
- inhibit lipolysis of TGs by hormone sensitive lipase
- decrease hepatic TG synthesis
MOA niacin in liver
- reduce TG synthesis by inhibiting synthesis and esterification of FA
Niacin triglycerides
lower 355-50%
niacin LDL
lower 10-25%
niacin HDL
increase 15-30%
niacin uses
- hypertriglyeridemia with high LDL
- hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL
niacin MOA
readily absorbed from all parts of intestinal tract
- half life 60 min
- metabolized in liver or excreted unchanged
DDI niacin
myopathy with concomitant admin of statins
ADE niacin
- intense flush with pruritus
- GI disturbances
- hepatic toxicity
- peptic ulcer
- hyperglycemia
- hyperuricemia
MOA ezetimibe
- inhibit cholesterol transport protein (NPC1L1)
Ezetimide LDL
reduce 18-25%
Ezetimide HDL
no significant change
ezetimide uses
adjective with statins
ezetimide PK
- absorbed well orally
- excreted feces unchanged
- rest conjugated in liver (glucouronidation)
- half life 18-30 h
ADE ezetimide
- diarrhea
- many interactions with other anti-lipidemic drugs
Ezetimide and fibrates
increase ezetimide levels
increase risk of cholelithiasis
Ezetimide and niacin
increase ezetimide levels
increase risk of myotpathies
ezetimide and warfarin
increase prothrombin time
Omega3 FA MOA
small intestine absorbed EPA and DHA
Omega 3 FA VLDL
omega 3 FA uses
- OTC herbal, vitamin, nutritional supplement
- Rx heart disease
- Rx high triglyericde levels
- adjunct to diet for severe hypertriglyceridemia
ADE omega 3FA
- arthralgia
- nausea
- fish burps
- dyspepsia
- increased LDL
- may prolong bleeding time
PCSK9 inhibitors use
- alone or combo with statins
- lower hardest to treat elevated cholesterol levels who cannot tolerate high statins (SE)
PCSK9 inhibitors examples
evolocumab (repatha)
alirocumab (praluenut)
PCSK9 inhibitor MOA
- binds LDL receptor
- enhance degradation of LDL receptor
- mutations
- effects on plasma lipids and lipoproteins
- increase LDL receptors on surface
PCSK9 inhibitor LDL monotherapy
LDL-C reduce in dose dependent manner
PCSK9 inhibitor LDL with statin
lower 60%
what is recommended before use of PCSK9 inhibitors?
PK PCSK9 inhibitors
- SC injections Q2W or 1 monthly
ADE PCSK9 inhibitors
- small risk of neurocognitive effects
- nasopharyngitis
- injection site reactions
T/F PCSK9 inhibitors increase risk of myopathies
Microsomal triglyeride transfer inhibitor (MTP) use
alternative way to lower LDL
- use in combo with max tolerated statin
- adjunct for lowering LDL-C, total cholesterol, apoB and non-HDL-C lipoproteins (hoFH)
- inhibit MTP (essential for formation of VLDL)
MTP drug
Lomitapide (small synthetic molecule)
Lomitapide LDL
reduces 50%
Lomitapide PK
- with water
- without food
- CYP3A4
ADE lomitapide
- GI: V/D/ab pain
- hepatotoxicity
- liver steatosis
- increase hepatic fat
- embryo toxic
Inhibitor of apoB B-100 synthesis drug
autosomal dominant
300-500 heterozygous
high levels of LDL
homozygous FH
1/1 million
- severe hypercholesterolemia with accelerated CHD in childhood
Mipomersen MOA
binds mRNA encoding ApoB (main component of LDL and VLDL)
- RNA degraded
Mipomersen LDL
lower 30-50%
mipomersen use
- as addition to lipid lowering meds and diet with hoFH
ADE mipomersen
makes not approved elsewhere, including Europe
- injection site
- flu like
- fatigue
- HA
- hepatotoxicity
mipomersen PK
SC once a week
half life 1-2 months
- max LDL reduction after 6 months
CI mipomersen
liver disease
Statin main use
high LDL
fibrates main use
with statins
bile acid resin main use
with statins
niacin main use
patients with all types of lipoprotein disorders
often used in combo
ezetimibe main use
with statins
PCSK9 inhibitor main use
with statins
MTP inhibitor main use
adjunct to diet for lowering
- total cholesterol
- apoB
- non HDL-C lipoproteins (hoFH)
inhibitor of apoB-100 synthesis main use
adjunct with lipid lowering meds and diet for hoFH