anti-hypertensive drugs Flashcards
Name 3 ACE 1 inhibitors
ACE 1 inhibitors MOA
- decrease ang 2 -> dec vasoconstriction and aldersterone
- prevent bradykinin inactivation
ACE 1 inhibitor clinical uses
- hypertension
- cardiac failure
- following myocardial infarction
- renal insufficiency
ACE 1 inhibitor adverse effects
- severe hypotension
- acute renal failure
- hyperkaelemia
- angioedema and dry cough (induced by bradykinin and substance P inflammatory consequences)
- contraindicated in pregnant woman
Name some Ang II type 1 (AT1) blockers
- valsartan
- losartan
- candesartan
AT1 blockers MOA
AT1 receptor antagonists, prevent Ang II from binding to AT1r
AT1 blockers adverse effect
similar to ace1 inhibitors just less dry cough
Beta blockers MOA
block B1 receptors
- no adenylyl cyclase to convert ATP into cAMP -> cAMP cannot activate PKA, hence Ca2+ channels
- block calcium induced calcium release (calcium released from sacrolemma induced by calcium entering via channels)
-> decrease contractility
Can we give non selective beta blockers to someone with asthma?
drug will block b1 and 2 adrenoreceptors => prevent stimulation of heart but also prevent bronchodilation
Name some beta blockers
- carvediolol (non selecetive)
- bisoprolol (cardioselective)
- metoprolol XL (^)
- Nebivolol (mixed)
Beta blockers clinical use
- hypertension
- cardiac failure
- following myocardial infarction
- arrhythmia
- anxiety disorders
Beta blockers adverse effects
- hypotension
- bradycardia
- AV nodal block
- CNS: depression
- bronchoconstriction
diuretics : thiazides clinical uses
- hypertension
- congestive heart failure
- nephrolithiasis
- nephrogenic diabetes due to idiopathic hypercalciuria
thiazides AE
- hypokalaemic: metabolic alkalosis (increased K+ and H+ excretion at intercalated cells of CD)
- hyponatraemia (decreased sodium reabosrption)
- hyperuricaemia (increased urate reabsorption at PCT) => GOUT
- hyperglycaemia
- hyperlipidaemia
- hypercalcaemia (enhanced reabsorption of ca2+ at PCT)
2nd line anti-hypertensives
- hydralazine (heart failure)
- mineralcorticoid receptor antagonists (used for heart failure)
- alpha adrenergic antagonist