Anthropology unit 2 Flashcards
what is anthropology?
the study of humans including their origins, behaviour, and physical social and cultural development
what are two branches of anthro?
cultural anthropology
• religion
• race
• beliefs
• traditions
• clothes
physical anthropology
the study of the past and present evolution
job: examining human skeletal remains to determine various factors
what are the 5 schools of thought
cultural relativism
functional theory
cultural materialism
feminist anthropology
cultural relativism
-belief that we can’t compare two cultures
-believes each culture is entitled to their own rules that are valid and acceptable
-the way people view the worlds depends on their culture
cultural relativism key thinker
Franz Boas
Functional Theory
-the idea that every belief, action, or relationship in a culture functions to meet the needs of individuals
functional theory key thinker
Bronislaw Malinowski
cultural Materialism
•materials or conditions within the environment ex. climate
•believe that society develops on a trial and error basis
cultural materialism key thinker
Marvin Harris
feminist anthropology
•aimed to compare cultures around the world to see how many were dominated by men
•looks at gender roles and myths in cultures and how it is effected
feminist anthropology key thinker
Ernestine Friedi
•impossible to have any “true” knowledge about the world
• try to deconstruct what a society believes to be true
•believes that anthropologists cannot study their subjects in a detached way
structered observation
a qualitative research method
unstructured observation
when observation is to take place without the pre defined plan and characteristics in advance
participant observation
the researcher is immersed in the day to day activities of the participants
7 aspects of culture
social organization
customs and traditions
forms of government
economic system