What are helmentic infections
GI tract infection or other tissues due to warm or infestation
the most prevalent helminthic infection: fertilized roundworm eggs are ingested, that hatch in the small intestine then make their way to the lungs, that may cause cough, fever and other pulonary infiltrate
other name for cestode
a tapeworm with a head and a segmented body parts that is capable of growing in several yards in the human intestine
infection of the blood and tissue of healthy individuals by worm embryos or filariae
worm that can cause disease by invading the human body
worm that attached themselves in the small intestine of infected individuals, where they suck blood from the intestine and damage the intestinal wall that leads to severe anemia and lethergy, weakness, fatigue
roundworms suchas common pinworm, whipworm, thrreadworm, ascaris .. that cause common helminthic infection in humans; cause intestinal obstruction that clogs the intestinal lumen or severe pneumonia when the larvae migrate to the lungs that form pulmonary infiltrate
nematode that causes helmenthic infection that , lives in intestine that causes anal and vaginal irritation and itching
flatworms, including cestodes and tapewormscan live in human intestine or in tissues
infection in the blood fluke that is carried by the snails; the larvae burrow into the skin causes rash, diarrhea, liver and brain inflammation
pervasive nematode that can send larvae into the lungs, liver ,cns, can cause severe pneumonia or liver abscess
disease result from ingestin of encysted roundworm larvae in undercooked pork; the larvae migrate into the body to invade muscles, nerves and other tissues; can cause pneumonia, heart failure and encephalitis
worm that attaches itself to intestinal mucosa and sucks blood, may cause severe anemia and disintegration of intestinal mucosa
the helminths that commonly infect humans are two types
- nematodes (roundworm)
2. platyhelminths (flatworms)
what are the Anthelmintic Agents
- albendazole
- mabendazole
- ivermectin
- pyrantel
- praziquantel
what are the roundwoms exmaples
pinworms, threadworms, hookworms, ascaris,
what are the platyheminths
- cestodes (tapeworms)
2. flukes (schistosomes)
can tapeworm regenerate?
pinworm : mechanism of disease and manifestation
it’s mechanism of disease is: remain in intestine
manifestation: perineal and vaginal itching
whipworm: mechanism of disease and manifestation
attach to wall of colon
manifestation: colic, bloody diarrhea
threadworm: mechanism of disease and manifestation
burrow into intestine, enter lungs, liver and other tissues
manifestation: pneumonia, liver abscess
ascaris: pinworm : mechanism of disease and manifestation
burrow into intestine, enter blood and infect lungs
manifestation: cough, fever, pulmonary infiltrate, abdominal distention, pain
hookworm: : mechanism of disease and manifestation
attach to the wall of the intestine
manifestation: anemia, fatigue, malabsorption
cestodes: : mechanism of disease and manifestation
living in the intestine ingesting nutrients from the host
manifestation: weight loss, abdominal distention
caused by ingestion of iencysted larvae of roundworm, trichenella spinalis, in undercooked worm
infection of the blood and tissues of healthy individuals byworm embroyos, injected by insects
infection of the fluke carried by a snail
describe the life cycle of schistosomiasis
- eggs infetcs snails
- snails have larvae cercariae
- humans contact with snails in the water
- humans is infected
- larvae burrow go to bloodstream and the lungs and liver to mature
- adults move to intestine and urinary bladder. females lay masses of eggs
- eggs excrete in feces
meassures to control infection
1. keep nails short keep hands clean handwashing shower in the morning change undergarments, linens , pajamas daily wash hands after going to bathroom
site of action of ANTHELMINTIC drug: what pyrantel cause
paralysis and cell death