Anterolateral muscles Flashcards
What are the flat muscles of the anterolateral compartment of the abdomen?
External oblique
internat oblique
transversus abdominus
What are the vertical muscles of the abdomen?
rectus abdomonis
pyramidalis MM
What is the purpose of the ab wall MM?
keep viscera in ab cavity
protects viscera from injury
help maintain viscera from injury in erect position
contraction assist in quiet and forced expiration
increases intra abdominal pressure (for childbirth, micturition,defacation)
Where are the external oblique MM?
most superficial MM right under the superficial fascia
Where does the external oblique MM insert to?
joins with other posterior wall muscles to form the aperneurosis making the alba
Where does the line alba extend from?
xyphoid process to pubic symphisis
What does the lower border of the external aponurosis formm?
inguinal ligament
passes between the ASIS laterally and the pubic tubercle medially
What is the next muscle group deep to external abdomenis muscles?
internal oblique
thinner and smaller ends
ends on the aponurosis that makes the line alba
Which direction does external oblique MM pass?
inferior medial
Which direct does the internal oblique MM pass?
superior medial
What MM are deep to internal oblique MM?
transversus abdominis
muscle fibers are transverse
ends n apeunorsis which blends with other ab MM to make line alba
What is each layer of muscle is covered by on its anterior and posterior surfaces?
a fascia
What is the fascia that is deep to the transverses abdomens MM?
transversalis fascia
continous fascia that covers the abdominal cavity. it is thick or thin in some areas
What is the vertical MM in front of the ab wall?
Rectus abdominis
extends length of anterior ad wall from costal margin to pubic symphysis
paired muscle that connects to the line alba
What interrupts the rectus abdominis muscle?
3 or 4 tendinous intersections
gives that six pack