Anterior triangle of the Neck Flashcards
Describe the anterior triangle of the neck.
The anterior triangle of the neck lies between midline
of the neck and sternocleidomastoid muscle. It is
subdivided into smaller triangles.
List the surface landmarks of the neck.
- Mandible.
- Body of hyoid bone.
- Laryngeal prominence– sharp protuberance of the anterior border of thyroid cartilage.
- The rounded arch of the cricoid cartilage.
- Tracheal rings which are partly masked by the isthmus of the thyroid gland.
The laryngeal prominence is also called what and it is more prominent in what sex?
Adam apple.
Boundaries of anterior triangle of neck
Superior– Base of mandible.
Medial– Sagittal line down the midline of the neck.
Lateral– Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid.
What covers the roof of the triangle
Investing fascia.
What covers the floor of the triangle
Visceral fascia.
Lymph nodes
Describe the muscles in the anterior triangle of the neck
They are divided as to where they lie in relation to the hyoid bone.
Suprahyoid muscles – Above hyoid bone.
Infrahyoid muscles – Below hyoid bone.
List the suprahyoid muscles
List the infrahyoid muscles
Arteries present in the anterior triangle
Common carotid artery
It bifurcates into external and internal carotid arteries within the triangle.
Veins in the anterior triangle
Internal Jugular Vein
Venous drainage of head and neck
Nerves present in the anterior triangle
Cranial nerves;
The anterior triangle is divided into four by
Digastric muscle and superior belly of omohyoid muscle
The four subdivisions of the anterior triangle are
Submandibular /Digastric
Describe the submental triangle
It is a median triangle situated underneath the chin
Boundaries of the SMT
Inferiorly- Body of hyoid bone
Medially- Midline of the neck
Laterally- Anterior belly of digastric.
Floor- Right and left mylohyoid muscles with median raphe uniting them.
Contents of SMT
Submental lymph nodes
Small submental veins- Join to form anterior jugular vein
What does the submental lymph nodes drain
Superficial tissues below chin
Central part of lower lip
Adjoining gums
Anterior part of floor of mouth
Tip of tongue
Describe the submandibular triangle
Also called the digastric triangle.
It is located underneath the body of the mandible
The area between the body of the mandible and the hyoid bone is
Submandibular region
Boundaries of SManT
Superiorly- Base of mandible
Anteroinferiorly- Anterior belly of digastric.
Posteroinferiorly- Posterior belly of digastric .
Floor- Mylohyoid anteriorly
Hypoglossus posteriorly.
Roof- Skin
Superficial fascia containing platysma and cervical branch of facial nerve.
Deep fascia- encloses submandibular gland.
Contents of SManT
Submandibular gland
Submandibular lymph nodes
Facial vein
Facial artery
Submental artery
Mylohyoid nerve and vessels
Hypoglossal nerve.
Which content of the SManT is located superficial and deep to it
Superficial- Submandibular lymph nodes and Facial vein.
Deep- Facial artery .
Boundaries of carotid triangle
Anterosuperiorly- Post belly of digastric and stylohyoid
Anteroinferiorly- Sup belly of omohyoid
Posteriorly - Ant border of sternocleidomastoid.
Roof - Skin
- Superficial fascia containing platysma and cervical branch of CNVII
-Investing fascia
Floor- Middle constrictor of pharynx
Inferior constrictor of pharynx
Thyrohyoid membrane.
Contents of carotid triangle
Common carotid artery bifurcating into internal and external carotid arteries.
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
Deep cervical lymph nodes
Describe the muscular triangle
It is situated more inferiorly than other subdivisions
Boundaries of the muscular triangle
Superiorly- Hyoid bone
Medially- Imaginary midline of the neck
Posterosuperiorly- Sup belly of omohyoid
Posteroinferiorly- Lower part of ant border of sternocleidomastoid
Infrahyoid muscles- Chief contents
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
What triangle does the facial vein and artery pass through
Submandibular triangle