ANOVA examples Flashcards
Liked Difference observed in brands of cereal
liked Difference observed in brands of cereal and milk types
how long does it take to eat a bowl of cereal each day, for 5 days?
how long does it take to eat one bowl of one cereal and then another bowl of a different cereal, each day for 5 days?
How long does it take one group to eat one type of cereal and another group to eat another group of cereal over 5 days?
What type of breakfast food to people eat in control vs education, vs education with discussion when taking a critical thinking exam before education?
Which type of therapy is better on mediating effects of depression? psychothearpy, medication, or lights?
What are the effects of psychotherapy on depression over 5 sessions?
What are the effects of the three types of therapies on depression, which gender shows greater differences?
What are the effects of all types of therapy, averaging 1 hour per day over 5 days on an individual?
What are the effects of psychotherapy over 5 days on males and psyhotherapy over 5 days and females over 5 days?
what are the effects of therapy on each group when adding in patient education?
You have a group of individuals randomly split into smaller groups and completing different tasks. For example, you might be studying the effects of tea on weight loss and form three groups: green tea, black tea, and no tea.
one way b
studying leg strength of people according to weight.
one way b
find out if there is an interaction between income and gender for anxiety level at job interviews.
two way b