Ankle and Foot Examination Flashcards
Painful weightbearing with first steps in the morning and after sitting for a while…
Plantar fascitis?
Parasthesias over lateral and ventral aspects of foot below ankle to digits 4-5
Nerve Entrapment/Inflammation
Symptoms in calf worsen with activity, gripping, and sharp pain
Strain Tendonitis Compartment syndrome DVT Claudication
Unable to perform a single heel raise
Achilles tendonitis
L5,S1 Nerve injury
Diffuse burning in foot, worse at night
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Venous insufficiency
Talocrural Joint DF
20 degrees
Talocrural Joint PF
50 degrees
Talocrural Inversion
30-35 degrees
Talocrural Eversion
11-12 degrees
Subtalar Inversion
20 degrees
Subtalar Eversion
10 degrees
Transverse tarsal inversion
35 degrees
Transverse Tarsal Eversion
15 degrees
MTP flexion
45 degrees
MTP Extension
70 degrees