Animal Viruses and their diseases Flashcards
______ should be used against viruses
Antibiotics are designed for
bacterial infections, not effective for viruses
All antiviral drugs target
one step in the viral life
It is easier to create vaccines to prevent
viral disease
Rhinovirus “of the nose”
Most common in humans
Rhinovirus predominant cause of
the common cold
Transmission of rhinovirus
Respiratory droplets
Symptoms of rhinovirus
Sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough,
Most affected by rhinovirus
Infants, elderly, immunocompromised
Rhinovirus vaccine
Human papillomavirus - HPV
Small DNA, non enveloped, icosahedral capsid
HPV Types
HPV infects
skin and mucous membranes (warts)
HPV is
the most common STI in the U.S
HPV goes away within
2 years no minimal health problems
If HPV doesnt go away in two years
Health issues such as genital warts and cancer may appear
HPV is not killed by
common hand santizer and disinfectants
Vaccinations for HPV
Gardasil- 9 (9vHPV) it prevents against 9 types
Nearly all cervical cancer is due to
HPV 2 strands (HPV 16 and 18) account for 70% of cases
HPV16 is responsible for almost 90% of HPV-positive
oropharyngeal cancers
Varicella zoster virus (Chickenpox and Shingles)- Chickenpox
Itchy,blister like rash appears first on the chest , back and face then spreads over the entire body
Chicken pox is
Highly contagious up to 90% of close contacts (non- immune) will become infected
Painful rash that develops on one side of the face or body
Shingles blister typically scab over
in 7 to 10 days (fully clear in 2-4 weeks)
10-18% of people will experience
postherpetic neuralgia
Transmissions of shingles
After a person has chickenpox the virus stays inactive on the body and the virus can reactivate later causing shingles
Transmissions of shingles is
Once in a lifetime
low risk if the rash is covered
No spreading before blisters appear or after rash crusts
Chickenpox spreads VzV easier than
Vaccines for chickenpox and shingles
two doses , recommended for 50 year olds and antivirals
Poliomyelitis (Polio)
A disabling and life threatening disease