Animal Stories Quiz 3 Flashcards
How old is Ranger
Coyote lifespan in the wild and under human care
Wild- 10
Human care- 18
What do coyotes eat
Carnivores- primarily small mammals, voles, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, eastern cottontails, mice. Will also eat birds, lizards, snakes, deer, livestock, large insects and invertebrates. Fruits and vegetables in the autumn and winter months. Will eat carrion, but prefers fresh meat.
Where do coyotes live and what is their habitat
North America to eastern Alaska to New England and south into Mexico and Panama. Deserts, grasslands, forests
What is Ranger’s story
Believed to have been born in the wild and orphaned. Raised as a pet until they realized he was a coyote and not a dog, voluntarily giving him to a wildlife rehab center. Imprinted on humans.
How old are Gus and Tucker
How long do New Guinea Singing Dogs live in the wild and under human care
12-16 years
Where do New Guinea Singing Dogs live and what is their habitat
New Guinea. Mountain and swampy regions at high elevations
What is Gus and Tuckers’ story
Confiscated from a Pennyslvania home that hoarded over 80 dogs. NGSD international and other rescue organizations relocated them, and they came to live with us in 2011.
What do New Guinea Singing Dogs eat
small to mid-sized marsupials, rodents, birds, fruits
How old is Serena
How long do great horned owls live in the wild and under human care
Wild- 13
Human care- 20+
What do great horned owls eat
Rodents, scorpions, hares, skunks, geese, raptors, small mammals and birds
Where do great horned owls live and what is their habitat
North America. Mix of woods and open fields, grasslands, deserts, coastal, forests, marshes, AG areas
What is Serena’s story
Hit by a car in Alaska and deemed non-releasable. Wing damage fully healed and she is fully flighted. She is completely blind in her left eye and partially in her right. Half of her tongue is missing, which makes it difficult to properly cool down because they use their tongue to pant.
How old is Delilah
How long do blue cranes live in the wild and under human care
30 years
What do blue cranes eat
Omnivorous- Sedge and grass seeds, grains, insects, other small animals
What is Delilah’s story
Benay’s Birds and Animal Source- full service bird and animal training company that works with the studio and movie industry.
Where do blue cranes live and what is their habitat
Southern Africa. Dry grasslands and shallow wetlands
How old are Elliot and Gunther
Lifespan of Nigerian dwarf goats
What do Nigerian dwarf goats eat
Grasses, hay, and grains
Where do Nigerian dwarf goats live and what is their habitat
West African in origin. Worldwide, wooded pastures and domestic farmland
What is Elliot and Gunthers’ story
From a local farm in Thousand Oaks