What is reproduction?
The production of offspring
What are the two types of reproduction?
Sexual and asexual
Asexual reproduction:
One parent
Offspring are genetically identical
No genetic variation
Sexual reproduction
Two parents
Gametes required
Causes genetic variation
What are gametes?
Sex cells that contain the genetic information of a parent
The male gamete in humans is:
What is the female gamete in humans?
What is the male gamete in plants?
What is the female gamete in plants?
How is the sperm cell specialised for its function?
Flagellum for swimming
Lots of mitochondria for respiration, to release energy
Nucleus has half the set of genetic material from the father
How is the egg cell specialised for its function?
Lots of mitochondria for respiration to release energy
Nucleus has half the set of genetic information from the mother
What is fertilisation?
The process of the NUCLEI of a sperm and egg cell joint together
What does the process of fertilisation form?
A zygote
What are the two types of fertilisation?
Internal=within the body
External=outside of the body
Organ where egg cells mature and are released. Produces oestrogen and progesterone from puberty to menopause. Two present.
Tube that transports egg from ovary to uterus using small hairs. Fertilisation may occur here.
Organ where developing baby grows. Has thick wall of muscle and elastic tissue. Inner lining (endometrium) grows and is released monthly from liberty to menopause.
Ring of muscle at the neck of the uterus
Muscular tube that opens to the outside. Sometimes known as the birth canal.
Fleshy lobes that protect the opening of the vagina protect
Area very sensitive to stimulation
Organ that produces sperm from liberty, also releases testosterone.
Name that is given to the pouch of skin which holds testes outside the body so that they are at a suitable temperature.
Mass of coiled tubes which transports sperm from testes to sperm duct
Sperm duct
Tubes which carry the sperm from the testes to the glands and urethra.
Seminal gland
Opens into the sperm duct and produces seminal fluid
Opens into the urethra and produces alkaline fluid which neutralises urine
Organ which transports semen and urine to the outside. Contains spongy tissues, which fills with blood when the organ is stimulated, this makes the organ erect so that it can be placed inside the female.
Tube which passes through penis. Both semen and urine pass through it.
Area of skin which covers sensitive tip of the penis and is removes in the process of circumcision