Animal Kingdom: Vertebrates Flashcards
Tell All Example of Mammals.
14 Examples
[4 ] Platypus, Kangaroo, Flying Fox, Blue Whale
Oviparous- Ornithorhynchus (Platypus); Viviparous - Macropus (Kangaroo), Pteropus (Flying fox), Camelus (Camel), Macaca (Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Canis (Dog), Felis (Cat), Elephas (Elephant), Equus (Horse), Delphinus (Common dolphin), Balaenoptera (Blue whale), Panthera tigris (Tiger), Panthera leo (Lion).
What is Genus of Platypus, Kangroo, Flying Fox, Horse, Blue Whale?
Ornithorhynchus (Platypus), Pteropus (Flying fox), Equus (Horse), Balaenoptera (Blue whale).
Tell Unique Characters of Mammals.
The most unique mammalian characteristic is the presence
of milk producing glands (mammary glands) by which the young ones
are nourished; mammals is unique in possessing hair.
Answer With Respect to Mammals-
3.Vivi or Oviparous
1.Dioecious [Sexes are separate]
2.Internal Fertilisation
3.Viviparous [Except few - Platypus (OrniThorHynchus)
Mammals have ____ Chambered Heart and are ________ Blooded (?)
Warm Blooded (Homoiothermous)
Tell All Examples of Aves.
Corvus (Crow), Columba (Pigeon), Psittacula (Parrot), Struthio
(Ostrich), Pavo (Peacock), Aptenodytes (Penguin), Neophron (Vulture).
Genus of Parrot, Penguin, Ostrich and Vulture.
Psittacula (Parrot), Aptenodytes (Penguin), Struthio (Ostrich), Neophron (Vulture)
Unique characteristic features of Aves (birds)
presence of feathers
and most of them can fly except flightless birds (e.g., Ostrich)
Skin is dry without glands except the ____ gland at the
____ of the ____
the oil gland at the
base of the tail
Answer With Respect to Aves-
4.Vivi or Oviparous
5.Digestive Tracts have two additional chambers -
- Bony (ossified)
- Dioecious [Sexes are separate]
3.Internal Fertilisation
5.Crops and Gizzard
All Examples of Reptilia.
Chelone (Turtle), Testudo (Tortoise), Chameleon (Tree lizard), Calotes (Garden lizard), Crocodilus (Crocodile), Alligator (Alligator).
Hemidactylus (Wall lizard);
Poisonous snakes – Naja (Cobra), Bangarus (Krait), Vipera (Viper)
What is Genus of Turtle, Tortoise, Tree Lizard, Garden Lizard, Wall lizard, Cobera and Krait.
Chelone (Turtle), Testudo (Tortoise), Chameleon (Tree lizard), Calotes (Garden lizard), Hemidactylus (Wall lizard), Naja (Cobra), Bangarus (Krait),
Answer With Respect to Mammals-
3.Vivi or Oviparous
4. _____Blooded (?)
1.Dioecious [Sexes are separate]
2.Internal Fertilisation
4. Warm Blooded (Homoiotherms)
Tell All Examples of Amphibia.
Bufo (Toad), Rana (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog), Salamandra (Salamander), Ichthyophis (Limbless amphibia).
In Amphibia _____ and ____ opens into common chamber ______
Alimentary canal, urinary and
reproductive tracts open into a common chamber called
cloaca which opens to the exterior.