Animal Kingdom Flashcards
Level of organisation shown by platyhelminthes
Organ level
Level of organisation shown by coelenterate and ctenophores
Tissue level of organisation
Digestive system of platyhelminthes is?
Symmetry of porifera
Symmetry of coelenterates,ctenophores and adult echinoderms
In diploblastic organism ,undifferentiated layer between ectoderm and endoderm is called
Name of third germinal layer of triploblastic organism.
Triploblastic phyla
Platyhelminthes to chordates
Coelom is present between
Body wall and gut wall
Gut wall and mesoderm
Animals possessing pseudocoelome
Transport system of porifera is called
Water canal system
Water enters through______ in cavity ________and leaves from __________
Spongocoel is lined by?
Collar cells or choanocytes
Digestion in porifera is
Skeleton of porifera made up of
Spicules or spongin fibres
Examples of porifera
Sycon(scypha),spongilla(fresh water sponge),euspongia(bath sponge)
Which cells are present on the tentacles of the body of ceolenterates
Cnidoblasts or cnidocytes
Cnidoblasts contains stinging capsules called
Body form of adamsia
Body form of aurelia(jelly fish)
Poly produce medusa_________
Medusa produce polyp
Medusa is
Free living form
Polyp is
Sessile form
Skeleton of some cnidarians eg corals is made up of
Calcium carbonate
Metagenesis is exhibited by
Examples of coelenterates
Physalia(portuguese man of war),gorgonia(sea fan),adamsia(sea anemone)hydra,aurelia,obelia,pennetula(sea pen),meandrina(brain coral)
Ctenophores are also called
Sea walnuts and comb jellies
Radial symmetry is shown by
Cnidarians ,ctenophores and adult echinoderms
Digestion in ctenophores
Both intra and extra cellular
The body of ctenophores bears _______ rows of _____ _________ _________
Well marked property of ctenophres
Reproduction in ctenophores takes place by
Only sexual means
Examples of ctenophora
Pleurobrachia and ctenoplana
Platyhelminthes are mostly ____ parasites
Which cells help in osmoregulation and excretion in platyhelminthes
Flame cells
Examples of platyhelminthes
Planaria,liver fluke(fasciola),taenia(tapeworm)
Alimentary canal of aschelmithes is _____ with _______
Complete, well developed muscular pharynx
Development is aschelminthes may be
Direct or indirect
Scientific name of hookeworm
Examples of aschelminthes
Hookeworm,ascaris(round worm), wuchereria(filaria worm)
What helps in locomotion in annelida
Longitudinal and circular muscles
Name an aquatic annelida, what special thing it has for swimming
Nereis, parapodia
Circulatory system of annelida is of
Closed type
In annelida what helps in osmoregulation and excretion
Neural system of annelida consists of
Paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord
Sexuality of nereies ,earthworm and leech
Nereis- dioecious earthworm,leech-monoecious
Examples of annelida
Which phylum is the largest of kingdom animalia
______ of all named species on earth are arthropods
Body of arthropods is covered by
Chitinous exoskeleton
From which phylum we start to see respiratory system
Respiratory organs of arthropods are
Book gills,book lungs,gills,tracheal system
Balance organ of arthropods are called
Excretion in arthropods takes place through
Malpighian tubes
Common name of king crab and it is_____
Limulus,living fossil
Second largest phylum of animal kingdom
Metamerism is shown by
Body of molluscs is covered by ______ shell
What is mantle cavity in molluscs, what is present in it
Space between viscerel hump and the mantle(soft skin over hump).feather like gills are present in it
Excretion in molluscs is done by
Feather like gills
What is radula
File like rasping organ for feeding in mouth of molluscs is called radula
Body of molluscs is divided into
Head ,muscular foot, viscerel hump
Molluscs are usually oviparous or viviparous?
Examples(8) of molluscs
Pila(apple snail),pinctada(pearl oyester),sepia(cuttle fish),loligo(squid), dentalium(tusk shell),aplysia(sea hare),octopus(devil fish), chaetopleura(chiton)
Meaning of echinoderm and why they are called so
Spiny bodied, because they have endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
Mouth and anus are located where on echinoderm body
Mouth - lower ventral
Anus- upper dorsal
Most distinctive feature of echinodermata and what is its function
Water vascular system
Locomotion,capture and transport of food and respiration
Excretory system of echinoderm is
Examples of echinodermata
Asterias(star fish),cucumaria(sea cucumber),antedon(sea lily),ophiura(brittle star), echinus(sea urchin)
Circulatory system of hemichordata is of
Open type
Excretory organ of hemichordates
Examples of hemichordate
Saccoglossus and balanoglossus
The body of hemichodate is composed of _______ probosis, ______ and ________.
Anterior,collar and trunk
In the diagram of chordata characteristics , ________ lies on periphery and _______ lies inside.
Nerve cord -outer
In non chordates heart is (location)
In non chordates heart is (location)
CNS of non chordates is( dorsal/ventral),( solid/ hollow),(single /double)
Ventral,solid and double
Paired ganglion
In urochordate notochord is present
Only in larval tail
In cephalochordates notochord is present
From head to tail throughout life
Examples of urochordata or tunicata
Salpa,ascidia, doliolum
Examples of cephalochordata
Branchiostoma(amphioxus or lancelets)
Division of vertebrates
Agnatha and gnathostomata
Class of agnatha
Super classes of gnathostomata
Picese and tetrapods
Class under super class pisces
Chondricthyes and osteichthyes
Classes under super class tetrapod
Amphibia,reptiles,aves and mammals
All living members of cyclostomata are _________ on some fishes
No.of pairs of gill slits of cyclostomata
Scales of cyclostomata
How do cyclostomata die
They migrate to fresh water for spawing amd die after a few days
Cranium and vertebral column of cyclostomata is made up of
Examples of cyclostomata
Myxine(hag fish) , petromyzon(lamprey)
Mouth of chondrichthyes is located
In which animals gill slits are covered by operculum and are paired
Skin is covered with which scales
Which animals don’t have air bladder so have to swim continuously
Which fins in males of chondricthyes bears claspers
Fertilisation of chondrichthyes and parity
Internal and viviparous
Which chondricthyes has electric organs
Which chondrichtyes has poison sting
Trygon(sting ray)
Examples of chondrichthyes
Pristis(saw fish), carcharodon(great white shark),scolidon(dog fish), trygon(sting ray), torpedo
No of pairs of osteichthyes gills
Scales of osteichthyes
Fertilisation and parity of osteichthyes
External and oviparous
Examples of osteicthyes
Marine- exocoetus(flying fish),hippocampus(sea horse)
Freshwater-clarias(magur),rohu(labeo), catla (katla)
Aqaurium-betta(fighting fish), pterophyllum(angel fish)
In amphibia, which canals open into cloaca
Alimentary,urinary, reproductive
Heart of amphibia is
3 chambered
Examples of amphibia
Bufo(toad), rana(frog) ,hyla (tree frog),icthyophis(limbless amphibia), salamander
Reptiles refers to
Creeping and crawling organisms
Skin of reptiles is covered with
Dry Cornified skin and epidermal scales or scutes
Examples of reptiles(8)
Dangarus(krait) Chelone(turtle) Testudo(tortoise) Chamaleon(tree lizard) Calotes(garden lizard) Naja(cobra) Hemidactylus(wall lizard) Viper (vipera)
Forelimbs of aves are modified into
Scales can be seen on which limbs of aves
Endoskeleton of aves is ________ and long bones are ________
Fully ossified, hollow called pneumatic bones
Additional chambers of dugestive system in aves is
Crop and gizzard
Heart of reptiles is ____
3 chambered but 4 in chrocodiles
Heart of aves is
4 chambered
Which tetrapods are warm blooded
Aves and mammals
Which structure of aves lungs aid resporation
Air sacs
Examples of aves(7)
Corvus(crow), pavo(peacock),columba(pigeon),psitaculla(parrot),aptenodyte(penguin),neophron(vulture),struthio(ostrich)
Oil glands are present where in aves
Base of tail
Examples of mammals
Ornithorhynchus(platypus) Macropus(kangaroo) Pteropus(flying fox) Balanoptera(blue whale) Canis(dog) Felis(cat) Eqqus(horse)
Fertilisation in amphibia is
Closed circulatory system is present in
Annelida ,cephalopods, and vertebrates