Animal Health Test 2 Flashcards
What herd history do you look at?
Morbidity, Mortality, suddenness of onset, appearance of dead, look at overall herd.
What should observations include
Behavior, Skin, secretions, fill, resiritory rate, movement and temp
normal bovine temp
Post mortem
examinations of dead animal, should be done within 2 or three hours of death
Organism grown in a lab in a dish.
define obstetrical
assistance in calving
best type of treatment
Preventative, which is a minipulation of production variables.
Gram Positive Organisms
usually easier to treat and control
Gram Negative Organism
more severe and harder to treat
Sulfa Based Drucks
make sure animal is hydrated first. This allows it to work and stop replication of invacing organisms
increase the excretion of urin
Nutritional treatments
Vitamins, amino acids and glucose. Injected
Broad Spectrum Antibiotics
Nuflor, Resflor, Draxxin, Baytril, Zuprevo
Best absorption of meds
giving through IV
Second fastest absorption of meds
giving Interperitioneal
Signs of Anaphylactic Shock
Rapid breathing, swelling of eyelids, salavation, Incoordination, collapse and death
What is treatment for Anaphlyactic Shock
Whole body infection in the blood (blood poisoning)
Chronic, only good for salvage value
What are the causative organisms?
Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Protozoan
What amount of weather swing gets cattle sick?
40 degree swings, starting looking at 30
Factors to the onset of disease
Contaminated air, nutrition, water, heredity, Climate and Weather.
Define Endemic
occurs regularly in a specific area
widespread, affects many animals over a wide area.
Routes of infection
Ingetion, Direct contact, inhalation, coitus, parasites, contact, direct exposure
define virulent
fast growing and produces severe disease
Different forms of Defense
Antibodies, Tissue resistance, Phagocytes of white blood corpuscles
Natural Immunity
Passive immunity and active immunity
Acquired immunity
Naturally acquired, artificially acquired.
Blood serum from a highly immunized animal. fast immunity but short lived.
Killed Virus Vaccine
Stimulates the production of antibodies when injected
no longer causes the disease but creates immunity
antiserum, blood serum made in response to toxin producing organsim
to little blood
abnormal increase in white blood cells
abnormal decrease in white blood cells
blood poisoning
accumulation of urea toxic waste in the blood. normally has kidney disease. waste are not filtered out
excessive fluid accumulation in tissue leases to swelling
Signs of inflammation
heat, redness, swelling, pain, disturbed function
causes of inflammation
mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical
Symptoms of fever
Change in body temp, increase heart rate, change in membrane excretions, increased thirst, occasional shivering, depressed appetite.
Where is hardware disease located
accumulation of gases in rumen
How do animals die in bloat
Absorption of toxic substances, and pressure on internal organs
Causes of bloat
Change in compostion of pasture plants, alot of small grains in diet, lush legume pastures, clovers, blockage
Bloat prevention
High Fiber in diet, dont turn out hungry cattle, fill them up first.
Symptoms of bloat
large left side, labored breathing, staggered gait, goes down or collapses
rapid discharge of food materials due to nutritional disorder or infection.
Acute acidosis
Overload, overeating of grain and other highly fermentable feeds. Typically in the feedlot.
symptoms of acidosis
dry muzzle, increased reparatory rate, dehydration, drunk walk, depression, seem very full. Wont eat for a few days
Liver abscess complex that starts in the rumen
How to prevent rumenitis
make gradual rotion changes
symptoms of Ketosis
Constipation, mucous covered shit, weight loss.
how to cure ketosis
Drench with Propylene Glycol
What does a cow with milk fever look like
cow down with head in her flank
how to treat milk fever
Grass Tetany
Wheat pasture poisoning. Lack of magnesiym in the blood. Cattle will have severe paddling convulsions.
Cure for grass tetany
Prevention of grass tetany
Increase salt intake, good mineral program
Prevention of pinkeye
Fly control and vaccines
Treatment of pinkeye
cover it
Where does cancer eye start
Nictitating membrane, outside of eye
Pathology by parasites
Absorption of food, blood sucking, tussue damage, mechanical obstruction, toxin production.
Location of infection
Digestive tract, Lungs, Liver, kidneys, skin
Treatment for flukes
Ivomec +, Valbazen
What kind of wormer kills tapeworms
White drench only
Biggest loss in cattle profits
Baddest roundworm
Two families of wormers
White dewormers, Avermectins,
White dewormers
Safe Guard, Valbazen, Synanthic
Ivomec, Dectomax, Cydectin
Managment practices recommended to reduce internal parasite problems
Raise feed bunks, rotate pastures, never overgraze, keep nutrition level high, Dung Beetles.
Reasons to control external parasites
Weight Loss, damage, disease prevention, death loss
Types of Insecticides
Organic phosphates, Pyrethroids, Avermectins
Symptoms of insectiside poisoning
Severe headache, lack of coordination, nausea, blurred vision, muscle weakness and twitching, excessive salivation and eye watering
Safety measures with insectisides
Read the label, spray in ventilated areas, Avoid contact with skin, Proper meds available, keep a copy of the label.
50% of the estimated of annual loss to cattle from all categories of livestock
Biting Flies
Types of biting flies
Stable fly, horn fly, horse fly, grubs
economic threshhold of stable flies
What fly lay their eggs in undusturbed bovine manure
Horn Fly
Economic threshold of a horn fly
Major tick familes
Hard ticks and soft ticks
How do you control lice?
treating all the cattle at once with a pour on in late fall.