Animal Ethics Flashcards
Examines both human-animal relationships, and how humans should treat animals.
Animal Ethics
Considers the effect on the animal from the animal’s point of view
Welfare Science
Considers how humans must treat animals
Welfare Legislation
These are situations in which each possible course seems to be morally wrong
Ethical Dillemas
Inappropriately giving animals human capacities
Treating animals as ‘______ ______’ can lead to wrong choices for animals
Little humans
Discrimination against animals on the basis of species
Deontology means
Emphasizes consequences of actions. Seeks to maximize good outcomes.
Aim to maximize the satisfaction of
preferences of all the species.
Peter Singer’s Utilitarianism
Aim to maximize the satisfaction of
preferences of all the species.
Peter Singer’s Utilitarianism
animals have inherent value
Tom regan’s deontology: animal rights
welfare short term and rights long term
New welfarism
Can be interpreted pragmatically as well as radically
Emphasis on principals guiding behaviour rather than outcomes
Animal rights is another form of _____________ _________
Deontological Theory
Fundamental ‘______ __ ________’ forbids use of animal means
right to respect